For each question, choose the correct answer..

Computer games

Three teenagers talk about playing computer games.


I spend about five hours a week playing computer games. My parents don’t mind because they know it’s less time than some teenagers spend on the computer. I’ve got all kinds of games, but the ones I like most are those where you learn things. I’ve got a brilliant game called ‘History Ship’. It shows you what life was like on sailing ships hundreds of years ago and it’s fun to play. There’s another interesting game I’d like to get called ‘Space Journey’. It’s quite expensive, but I think I’ll have enough money for it soon.


Both of my brothers love being outdoors playing football, but the hobby I enjoy most is playing computer games. My parents are OK with that because they think you can learn a lot from playing games. The only thing they say is that I can’t play games on the evenings I have homework. I’ve got a variety of games, but my favourite is called ‘Forestworld’. A friend said it was an amazing game, so I was really pleased when I got it as a present for my birthday.


I’ve enjoyed playing computer games for as long as I can remember. I have lots of different games, but the one I like most is called ‘Sea Adventure’. It’s a really great game. I wasn’t very good at it at first, but I’ve improved and can complete the different levels really quickly now. Several of my friends like computer games too, so they come round to my house at the weekend and we play together. It’s great fun!

1    Who says their favourite computer game was a gift?

      A Kamil       B Mia          C Liam

2    Who often plays computer games with other people?

      A Kamil       B Mia          C Liam

3    Who has seen a new computer game they would like to buy?

      A Kamil       B Mia          C Liam

4    Who prefers playing computer games to doing sport?

      A Kamil       B Mia          C Liam

5    Who has got better at playing their favourite computer game?

      A Kamil       B Mia          C Liam

6    Who is not allowed to play computer games every day?

      A Kamil       B Mia          C Liam

7    Who prefers computer games that teach something?

      A Kamil       B Mia          C Liam


1   B: ‘I got it as a present for my birthday.’

2   C: ‘my friends … come round to my house at the weekend and we play together.’

3   A: ‘There’s another interesting game I’d like to get.’

4   B: ‘My brothers love … playing football, but the hobby I enjoy most is playing computer games.’

5   C: ‘I wasn’t very good at it at first, but I’ve improved …’

6   B: ‘I can’t play computer games on the evenings I have homework.’

7   A: ‘the ones I like most are those where you learn things.’

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