1  Find 12 words for international travel in the word search.


2  Complete the words for international travel with the words in the box. Then number the sentences in order.

baggage     boarding     control     customs

departure     desk     hall     passport

queue     security     sign     ticket

A   I go to the baggage ……hall…… to collect my baggage.   …9

B   I go to Departures for the ………………. check.   ……

C   I receive my ………………. pass.   ……

D   I buy my plane ………………. to go on holiday.   ……

E    I follow the ………………. to my ………………. gate.   ……

F    I stand in the ………………. at the check-in ………………. .   ……

G   I get off the plane, show my passport at passport ………………. and go through ………………. .   ……

H   I board the plane and travel to my destination.   ……

I     I go to the airport with my ………………. and my ………………. .   ……


A   I go to the baggage hall to collect my baggage. (9)

B   I go to Departures for the security check. (5)

C   I receive my boarding pass. (4)

D   I buy my plane ticket to go on holiday. (1)

E    I follow the sign to my departure gate. (6)

F    I stand in the queue at the check-in desk. (3)

G   I get off the plane, show my passport at passport control and go through customs. (8)

H   I board the plane and travel to my destination. (7)

I     I go to the airport with my passport and my baggage. (2)

(3  Write the correct form of the phrasal verbs. Then match to the correct definitions [A–H).

1   get ……in……     off     up     in

2   go …………….     in     off     away

3   set …………….     off     in     back

4   pick …………….     in     up     out

5   get …………….     out     off     back

6   look ……………. another place      up     in     round

7   check …………….     in     off     away

8   take …………….     out     up     off

A   collect

B   leave the ground

C   return

D   start a journey

E    arrive for a flight

F    visit

G   arrive

H   go sightseeing


2   away F

3   off D

4   up A

5   back C

6   round H

7   in E

8   off B

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs.

1   We’re ……setting off…… for the airport at ten o’clock. (set off)

2   Mark’s ……………… with his grandparents for two weeks. (go away)

3   The plane is scheduled to ……………… at 15:30 and we’ll be landing at 17:00. (take off)

4   We haven’t got time to ……………… the museum. (look round)

5   What time are you going to ……………… Kate from the airport? (pick up)


 going away

 take off

 look round

 pick up

Complete the conversation with travel words from Exercise 2 and the correct form of the phrasal verbs from Exercise 3.

Kyle:   When are you 1……setting off…… on your holidays?

Evan:   Tomorrow! Our flight 2………………. at 9.30 pm.

Kyle:   Don’t forget your 3………………. and 4……………….!

Evan:   My aunt works at the 5………………. at the airport actually, so we won’t have to 6………………. When we 7………………. .

Kyle:   That’s lucky! I’m sure you can get your 8………………. and do the 9………………. really quickly then. You must be so excited about 10………………. .

Evan:   I can’t wait! Our flight is 11………………. really late tomorrow, so we have to wait until the next day to 12………………. and do some sightseeing, but then we have all week to discover London!


2 takes off   3 ticket   4 passport

5 check-in desk   6 queue   7 check in

8 boarding pass   9 security check

10 going away   11 getting in

12 look round

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