For each question, choose the correct answer..

My Love for Photography

By Eliza Brinkman

How did I get interested in photography? People usually think it’s because of my uncle, the famous photographer Oliver Brinkman. Maybe you’ve seen his TV show, Picture of the World. However, I started taking photos on a school trip. I remember my grandma lent me her camera.

When I was 16, I studied photography at college. I remember feeling really worried about the course. I loved taking photos but I wasn’t sure how good I was. And sometimes it’s difficult having a famous uncle. People think you’ll be amazing too!

My first job was at the local newspaper. My neighbour heard that the newspaper was looking for a photographer and suggested it to me. My mum said I should try and get the job and I got it! When I arrived for my first day, I found out that an old school friend was also working there.

After five years at the newspaper, I moved to London and started a job at the fashion magazine Dream. I loved this job. I worked in a great team; I’ll always remember how kind they were to me. I went to very interesting places and worked with some famous models.

I now have my own company, ABC Photography. I have a team of photographers who take photos for different magazines. My newest project is a photography course that I’ve started at my company. I really want to use my experience in the photography business to help new photographers. It’s very exciting!

1   Eliza first became interested in photography when

      A   she saw her uncle’s photographs.

      B   she borrowed her grandma’s camera.

      C   she watched a TV programme about photography.

2   When Eliza started college she felt …

      A   worried that she was not good enough.

      B   excited about studying photography.

      C   lucky that she knew a famous photographer.

3   Who told Eliza about the job at the newspaper?

      A   an old friend from school

      B   her mum

      C   someone who lived near her

4   What will Eliza never forget about Dream magazine?

      A   her colleagues

      B   the places she visited

      C   the famous models

5   Eliza is teaching photography at her company because

      A   she thinks her team needs more training.

      B   she hopes to make more money.

      C   she wants to share what she has learnt.


1   B: ‘I started taking photos on a school trip. I remember my grandma lent me her camera.’

2   A: ‘I remember feeling really worried about the course. I loved taking photos but I wasn’t sure how good I was.’

3   C: ‘My neighbour heard that the newspaper was looking for a photographer and suggested it to me.’

4   A: ‘I worked in a great team; I’ll always remember how kind they were to me.’

5   C: ‘I really want to use my experience in the photography business to help new photographers.’

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