Listening 1

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript

Lines should be drawn between:

1   Paul and the boy under the tree eating a banana

2   John and the boy giving an apple to the horse

3   Jill and the girl holding a rabbit

4   Sally and the girl chasing the sheep

5   Jane and the girl drawing


MAN:   Hello, is Fred at the farm today?

WOMAN:   Yes, I think he’s looking at the ducks.

MAN:   Is he wearing blue trousers?

WOMAN:   Yes, that’s Fred.

MAN:   That’s good. He loves ducks.


MAN:   Where’s Paul?

WOMAN:   He’s sitting under the tree with his friend.

MAN:   There are two boys under the tree. Which one is Paul?

WOMAN:   He’s eating a banana.

MAN:   Oh yes! I can see him now.


MAN:   I’m looking for John. Can you see him?

WOMAN:   What’s he wearing today?

MAN:   A green T-shirt, I think.

WOMAN:   Oh yes. He’s giving an apple to the horse.


MAN:   Look at Jill.

WOMAN:   I can’t see her. Where is she?

MAN:   She’s sitting with her friend.

WOMAN:   Has she got a rabbit?

MAN:   Yes and it’s very beautiful.


WOMAN:   Can you see Sally?

MAN:   Yes I can. She’s running.

WOMAN:   Where? I can’t see her.

MAN:   She’s running after that sheep.

WOMAN:   Oh yes, but she can’t catch it!


WOMAN:   Is that Jane sitting on the grass?

MAN:   With blonde hair?

WOMAN:   What’s she doing?

MAN:   She’s trying to draw a picture.

WOMAN:   Oh, she’s drawing very carefully.

Listening 2

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript

Lines should be drawn between:

1   Tom and the boy drawing a car on the board

2   Jane and the girl playing with a toy bus

3   Paul and the boy drawing a house on the board

4   Anna and the girl holding a toy plane

5   Pat and the girl sitting in front of the computer


MAN:   Hello, is Mary here?

WOMAN:   Yes, she’s listening to a CD.

MAN:   Is she wearing a red skirt?

WOMAN:   Yes, that’s Mary. She loves music.


MAN:   Where’s Tom?

WOMAN:   He’s drawing a picture on the board.

MAN:   There are two boys drawing. Which one is Tom?

WOMAN:   He’s drawing a car.

MAN:   Oh yes! I can see him now.


MAN:   Where’s Jane?

WOMAN:   She’s playing with a toy.

MAN:   Is she playing with a toy plane?

WOMAN:   No, she’s playing with a bus.

MAN:   Oh yes, I can see her.


MAN:   I’m looking for Paul. Can you see him?

WOMAN:   What’s he wearing today?

MAN:   Black trousers, I think.

WOMAN:   Oh yes, he’s standing at the board.

MAN:   I see. He’s drawing a house.


WOMAN:   Look at Anna.

MAN:   Where is she?

WOMAN:   She’s standing by the door.

MAN:   Is she wearing a red T-shirt?

WOMAN:   Yes, she is and she’s got a toy plane.


WOMAN:   Can you see Pat?

MAN:   Yes, I can. She’s working.

WOMAN:   What’s she doing?

MAN:   She’s working at the computer.

WOMAN:   Oh yes, she likes that.

Listening 3

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript

Lines should be drawn between:

 Mrs Green and the lady in front of the supermarket wearing a red skirt and a red hat

 Paul and the boy looking in the toy shop window carrying a school bag

 Mr Farmer and the man driving the small blue car

 Tom and the boy sitting on the bench outside the bank

 Sue and the girl with the two children


MAN:   Hello, there are a lot of people here today.

WOMAN:   Yes, there are. Can you see Mrs Brown?

MAN:   Yes.

WOMAN:   Where is she?

MAN:   She’s riding her bicycle.

WOMAN:   Oh, yes. She rides very quickly, doesn’t she?


MAN:   Where’s Mrs Green. Do you know her?

WOMAN:   Yes, she’s in front of the supermarket.

MAN:   Oh. What’s she wearing?

WOMAN:   A red skirt and a red hat.

MAN:   Oh, yes! I can see her now.


MAN:   Where’s Paul?

WOMAN:   He’s looking in the window of the toy shop with a friend.

MAN:   But which one is Paul?

WOMAN:   The boy who’s carrying a school bag.

MAN:   Oh, I see him.


MAN:   I need to find Mr Farmer. Can you see him?

WOMAN:   Yes, I can.

MAN:   Where is he?

WOMAN:   He’s there in his car.

MAN:   Which car?

WOMAN:   The small blue one.


WOMAN:   Look at Tom. He’s very tired today.

MAN:   Where is he?

WOMAN:   He’s sitting outside the bank.

MAN:   Well, he played a lot of tennis yesterday.

WOMAN:   Yes, that’s why he’s sitting down now.


WOMAN:   Is that Sue?

MAN:   Where?

WOMAN:   Walking with the two children.

MAN:   Oh, yes, that’s Sue, but who are the children?

WOMAN:   I think they’re her cousins.

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