Listening 1

Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number.

There are two examples.


How old is Nick?   …………7………

What’s the name of Nick school?   …………Lime Tree School…………


1   What’s the name of Nick’s teacher?   Miss ………………………

2   How many children are there in Nick’s class?   ………………………

3   How many girls are there in the class?   ………………………

4   Who sits next to Nick at school?   ………………………

5   Who does Nick play with at school?   ………………………

Answer & Audioscript

1 Read   2 16/sixteen   3 4/four   4 Tony   5 Bill


WOMAN:   How old are you, Nick?

BOY:   I’m seven.

WOMAN:   Seven?

BOY:   Yes, that’s right.

WOMAN:   Where do you go to school, Nick?

BOY:   Lime Tree School.

WOMAN:   Is that L-I-M-E?

BOY:   Yes, that’s right.


WOMAN:   What’s your teacher’s name?

BOY:   Miss Read.

WOMAN:   How do you spell that?

BOY:   R-E-A-D.

WOMAN:   Oh, yes, I know her. I like her.


BOY:   We have very small classes at our school.

WOMAN:   Oh, how many children are there in your class?

BOY:   Sixteen.

WOMAN:   Sixteen! That is a small class!


WOMAN:   And how many girls are there in your class?

BOY:   There are four girls.

WOMAN:   Four!

BOY:   That’s right.


WOMAN:   So, who sits next to you at school, Nick?

BOY:   I sit next to Tony.

WOMAN:   Is that T-O-N-Y?

BOY:   Yes.

WOMAN:   Oh, I like that name.


WOMAN:   Who do you play with at school?

BOY:   I play with my friend, Bill.

WOMAN:   Can you spell his name?

BOY:   Yes, I can. It’s B-I-L-L.

Listening 2

Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number.

There are two examples.


What’s the girl’s name?   …………Kim………

How old is she?   …………6…………


1   What’s the name of Kim’s school?   ……………………… School

2   Which class is Kim in?   Class ………………………

3   What’s their teacher’s name?   Miss ………………………

4   How many children are in the class?   ………………………

5   What’s the name of Kim’s friend?   ………………………

Answer & Audioscript

1 Gray   2 5/five   3 Love   4 9/nine   5 Ben


MAN:   Hello, what’s your name?

GIRL:   It’s Kim.

MAN:   Oh, can you spell that?

GIRL:   Yes, it’s K-I-M.

MAN:   Very good.

MAN:   And how old are you, Kim?

GIRL:   I’m six now!

MAN:   Pardon?

GIRL:   I’m six.


MAN:   What school do you go to?

GIRL:   I go to Gray School.

MAN:   Can you spell Gray?

GIRL:   Yes. G-R-A-Y.


MAN:   What class are you in?

GIRL:   I’m in class five.

MAN:   Five?

GIRL:   Yes.


GIRL:   Our teacher is very good. I like her.

MAN:   What’s her name?

GIRL:   Her name is Miss Love.

MAN:   Is that L-O-V-E?

GIRL:   Yes.


MAN:   And how many children are in your class?

GIRL:   Nine.

MAN:   Nine children? That’s a small class.

GIRL:   Yes, it is.


MAN:   And have you got a friend in your class?

GIRL:   Yes, my friend Ben sits next to me.

MAN:   Oh, that’s nice. And do you write his name B-E-N?

GIRL:   Yes, that’s right.

Listening 3

Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number.

There are two examples.


What’s the girl’s name?   …………Kim………

How many people live in her house?   …………8…………


1   Where does Kim live?   ……………………… Street

2   What number is Kim’s house?   ………………………

3   What is Kim’s grandma’s name?   ………………………

4   How many brothers has Kim got?   ………………………

5   How old is Kim’s big brother?   ………………………

Answer & Audioscript

1 Cross   2 4/four   3 Pat   4 2/two   5 10/ten


MAN:   Hello, what’s your name?

GIRL:   It’s Kim.

MAN:   Oh, can you spell that?

GIRL:   It’s K-I-M.

MAN:   Thank you.

MAN:   How many people live in your house?

GIRL:   There are eight of us.

MAN:   Eight?

GIRL:   Yes. We’re a big family.


MAN:   And where do you live, Kim?

GIRL:   I live in Cross Street!

MAN:   Is that C-R-O-double S?

GIRL:   That’s right.


MAN:   And what number is your house?

GIRL:   It’s number four.

MAN:   Sorry, what number?

GIRL:   Four.

MAN:   Thank you.


GIRL:   My grandma lives with us.

MAN:   Oh, what’s her name?

GIRL:   Grandma? It’s Pat.

MAN:   Can you spell that?

GIRL:   Yes, it’s P-A-T.


MAN:   And do you have a brother?

GIRL:   I’ve got two brothers.

MAN:   Two?

GIRL:   Yes. That’s right.


GIRL:   It’s my big brother’s birthday today.

MAN:   Oh? How old is he?

GIRL:   He’s ten today!

MAN:   Ten?

GIRL:   Yes, that’s right. And I love my brother! He’s great!

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