Listening 1

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript

Lines should be drawn between:

1   the glasses and the elephant

2   the trousers and the tiger

3   the jacket and the lion

4   the sock and the horse

5   the hat and the snake


MAN:   Put the shoe on the monkey.

WOMAN:   Pardon?

MAN:   Put the shoe on the monkey.


MAN:   Put the glasses on the elephant.

WOMAN:   Sorry, where?

MAN:   Put the glasses on the elephant.


MAN:   Put the trousers on the tiger.

WOMAN:   Sorry, what?

MAN:   Put the trousers on the tiger.


MAN:   Put the jacket on the lion.

WOMAN:   Sorry?

MAN:   Put the jacket on the lion.


MAN:   Put the sock on the horse.

WOMAN:   Where do I put it?

MAN:   Put the sock on the horse.


MAN:   Put the hat on the snake.

WOMAN:   Pardon?

MAN:   Put the hat on the snake.

Listening 2

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript

Lines should be drawn between:

1   the horse and the floor next to the woman

2   the doll and the armchair

3   the train and the mat

4   the clock and the wall between the two pictures

5   the photo and the big table in front of the window


MAN:   The book is on the bookcase.

WOMAN:   What?

MAN:   The book is on the bookcase.


MAN:   The horse is on the floor, next to the woman.

WOMAN:   Where?

MAN:   It’s on the floor, next to the woman.


MAN:   The doll is in the armchair.

WOMAN:   Sorry? Where?

MAN:   In the armchair. The doll is in the armchair.


MAN:   The train is on the mat.

WOMAN:   Pardon?

MAN:   The train is on the mat.


MAN:   The clock is on the wall between the pictures.

WOMAN:   Where?

MAN:   On the wall between the two pictures.


MAN:   The photo is on the table.

WOMAN:   Which table?

MAN:   On the big table in front of the window.

Listening 3

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript

Lines should be drawn between:

1   the banana and the top of the teacher’s desk

2   the mouse and the inside of the boy’s bag

3   the ruler and a place under the girl’s desk

4   the picture of the body and the board

5   the eraser and the floor in front of teacher’s desk


MAN:   The pencil is on the boy’s desk.

WOMAN:   Sorry, what?

MAN:   The pencil is on the boy’s desk.


MAN:   The banana is on the teacher’s desk.

WOMAN:   Where?

MAN:   The banana is on the teacher’s desk.


MAN:   The mouse is in the boy’s bag.

WOMAN:   Sorry? Where?

MAN:   The mouse is in the boy’s bag.


MAN:   The ruler is under the girl’s desk.

WOMAN:   Pardon?

MAN:   The ruler is under the girl’s desk.


MAN:   The picture of the body is on the board.

WOMAN:   What?

MAN:   The picture of the body is on the board.


MAN:   The eraser is on the floor in front of teacher’s desk.

WOMAN:   Sorry?

MAN:   The eraser is on the floor in front of teacher’s desk.

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