For each question, choose the correct answer..

Travel writer

Tim Greenwood lives in Oakland, USA. He has written about Cambodia, Thailand and India. At the moment he is writing a book about Nepal.

Tim, how did you start travelling?

We never travelled as a family, but when I was a teenager I saw movies like Lawrence of Arabia and they made me want to travel. I left college at the age of 21 and went to Europe alone. That trip didn’t go well – I was too young and didn’t know how to look after myself.

How did you start writing?

I’ve loved writing since I was ten – I’ve never wanted any other career. At 21, I wrote for my weekly college paper and then started writing travel articles. At first, none of the travel magazines I sent them to wanted to buy them, but that slowly changed. It took two or three years, I guess.

What do you find difficult about writing?

It is easy to spend all my time travelling and then not have time to open up my laptop and work! Also, it’s hard to earn enough money. I’ll never stop writing, but one day I may have to do a few hours a week teaching just to pay the bills.

What’s the best thing about being a travel writer?

I get letters from young people who’ve read my books and articles and enjoy my work. I just love that!

1   As a teenager, Tim

      A   went on trips with his parents.

      B   became interested in seeing the world.

      C   spent too much time watching TV.

2   What does Tim say about his trip to Europe?

      A   He didn’t have time to see everything.

      B   It was more fun than college.

      C   It was not a great success.

3   When Tim was 21, he couldn’t

      A   travel as much as he wanted to.

      B   decide what to write about.

      C   sell many of his articles.

4   In the future, Tim thinks he might

      A   do some extra work.

      B   earn more from writing.

      C   change his job.

5   What does Tim like about being a travel writer?

      A   hearing from his fans

      B   giving advice to people

      C   meeting other young writers


1   The correct answer is B: As a teenager, Tim became interested in seeing the world: ‘When I was a teenager I saw movies … they made me want to travel’. A is incorrect as Tim never travelled with his family. C is also incorrect. Tim says he saw movies that made him want to travel but he doesn’t say whether he spent too much time watching TV.

2   The correct answer is C: Tim says his first trip to Europe was not a great success: ‘That trip didn’t go well – I was too young and didn’t know how to look after myself’. A is incorrect because Tim went to Europe but doesn’t say that he didn’t have time to see everything. B is also incorrect as Tim says his trip didn’t go well, and doesn’t compare it with his time at college.

3   The correct answer is C: In the second paragraph, Tim says when he was 21 he couldn’t sell many of his articles: ‘At first, none of the travel magazines I sent them to wanted to buy them’. A is incorrect because Tim only says he started writing travel articles, but doesn’t mention whether he was able to travel as much as he wanted. B is also incorrect because he decided to write travel articles for the weekly college paper.

4   The correct answer is A: In the future, Tim thinks he might do some extra work: ‘I may have to do a few hours a week teaching just to pay the bills’. B is incorrect as he thinks it’s hard to earn enough money writing. C is also incorrect because Tim doesn’t want to change his job as a travel writer and says he will never stop writing. However, he might also start teaching.

5   The correct answer is A: Tim likes hearing from his fans: ‘I get letters from young people … I just love that!’. B and C are incorrect as Tim doesn’t say he likes giving advice to people or meeting other young writers in the final paragraph.

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