Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5

For each question, choose the correct answer.

1   How much did the boy’s football shirt cost?

2   What did Sophie enjoy doing most at the weekend?

3   Where did Paul stay on holiday this year?

4   Which subject will they study first today?

5   Why was Tina late for school today?

Answer & Audioscript

1 2 3 A   4 B   5 C


1   How much did the boy’s football shirt cost?

Emily:   Did you spend all your birthday money on your new football shirt?

Phil:   Grandma gave me thirty-five pounds but it was only twenty pounds fifty in the sports shop in the city centre.

Emily:   That sounds expensive to me. My new T-shirt was only eleven seventy-five.

Phil:   But football shirts are always more expensive than other shirts.

Emily:   Oh.

2   What did Sophie enjoy doing most at the weekend?

Alex:   What did you do at the weekend, Sophie?

Sophie: I went to the beach with my family. We played volleyball, but my foot hurt, so I wasn’t very good.

Alex:   Oh.

Sophie:   Then, I went swimming with my little brother. That was OK, but my dad taught me how to fish, and that was really cool!

Alex:   Really? I think fishing’s boring!

3   Where did Paul stay on holiday this year?

Izzy:   Hi, Paul. Did you have a good holiday?

Paul:   Yeah, great. We went on holiday with my cousins again this year. Remember, last year we stayed on a boat?

Izzy:   Yes, did you do that this year, too?

Paul:   Mum wanted to stay in a hotel with a big swimming pool, but everyone else wanted to go camping. So we did that.

4   Which subject will they study first today?

Sam:   Hi, Anna. Have you seen the new timetable for today?

Anna:   No, aren’t we having maths first? That’s what we usually do on Tuesdays as soon as we get to school.

Sam:   Maths is the third lesson, after geography.

Anna:   So chemistry before that.

Sam:   Exactly! Anyway, I’ve finished my geography project – finally!

5   Why was Tina late for school today?

Colby:   Tina, why were you late for school today?

Tina:   Well, I got up at seven. My phone always wakes me up then, but when the bus came, it didn’t stop because it was full!

Colby:   So what did you do?

Tina:   I went home and asked Mum to give me a lift. The traffic wasn’t bad, but I was still fifteen minutes late!

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10

For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time.

You will hear Rosie’s aunt telling her about a dance competition.

Dance competition

For children from:


Date to enter by:

(6) ………………………………


(7) ………………………………

Website address:

(8) www. ……………………………… .com


(9) ………………………………

First prize:

(10) £ ………………………………

Answer & Audioscript

6   12th July (any convention)     7   video

8   jittersea     9   college     10   175


Woman:   Rosie, I’ve found some information about that dance competition that you’re interested in. It’s perfect for you because it’s for children who are between thirteen and fifteen.

The competition’s on the fourth of August, but you’ve got to enter by the twelfth of July. So you’ve still got over four weeks.

You don’t have to send any money to enter, just a video. I know you’ve already got some, but it might be a good idea to make a new one.

Anyway, everything you need to know is on the website. Write down the address. It’s www dot jittersea dot com. That’s spelt J-I-double T-E-R-S-E-A.

I also found out where they’re having the competition. It’s going to be at the college; the one opposite the park. That’s easy for you to get to.

And the best news is about the prizes. The winner gets a hundred and seventy-five pounds, and the person who comes second gets one hundred pounds! That’s a lot!

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Tommy talking to his friend Olga about their class party.

11   Which date is the class party?

        A   25th June

        B   28th June

        C   1st July

12   What does Olga think Tommy should wear to the party?

        A   his black jeans

        B   his blue shorts

        C   his green T-shirt

13   What’s Olga worried about?

        A   singing at the party

        B   playing the guitar

        C   helping tidy up

14   Why will Tommy arrive at the party late?

        A   He’ll have to wait for a lift.

        B   There aren’t many buses.

        C   He wants to play tennis first.

15   What’s Olga going to take to the party?

        A   some balloons

        B   some paper plates

        C   some food

Answer & Audioscript

11 B   12 B   13 C   14 C   15 A


Tommy:   Olga, you’re coming to the class party at school, aren’t you?

Olga:   Yes, Tommy. I’m glad it’s at the end of June because I’m having my birthday party on the first of July.

Tommy:   And the twenty-eighth’s better than the twenty-fifth because it’s a Friday!

Olga:   What are you going to wear?

Tommy:   Either my black jeans or blue shorts.

Olga:   Wear your new black T-shirt with blue shorts.

Tommy:   OK.

Olga:   I’m a bit worried about the party.

Tommy:   Why? You’re not singing in front of everyone like in the school concert or playing the guitar like last year.

Olga:   But I’ve got to help make sure everything’s clean and tidy after the party, and that might take a long time.

Tommy:   I don’t think so. Actually, I’ll probably arrive late.

Olga:   Why?

Tommy:   I want to be in the tennis match at my sports club. I won’t have time to get the bus, but my mum will drive me to the party.

Olga:   Oh, OK. Is your mum cooking some food for the party?

Tommy:   Yes, and we’ll bring some paper plates. And you’ve got some balloons, haven’t you?

Olga:   That’s right.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20

For each question, choose the correct answer.

16   You will hear two classmates talking together.

        How did the girl come to school today?

        A   by car

        B   by train

        C   on foot

17   You will hear a girl talking to a man who works at a museum.

        What’s the girl looking for?

        A   her bag

        B   her coat

        C   her folder

18   You will hear a boy talking about learning French.

        How did he improve his French?

        A   by visiting France

        B   by watching French cartoons

        C   by emailing his French penpal

19   You will hear a girl talking to her aunt about her hobbies.

        Which hobby does the girl like doing now?

        A   looking after animals

        B   taking photos of animals

        C   collecting toy animals

20   You will hear a headteacher talking to the whole school.

        What’s new at the school this year?

        A   a cafeteria

        B   a sports hall

        C   a music room

Answer & Audioscript

16 B   17 C   18 B   19 A   20 A


16   You will hear two classmates talking together. How did the girl come to school today?

Boy:   You’re at school early today! Did your dad bring you by car?

Girl:   Actually, there were no problems on the underground! I was lucky.

Boy:   But was your platform crowded? Mine was. I even thought about walking to school instead.

Girl:   Not really. And the seven forty-five was on time. Walking’s good if you want to be healthy, but I live quite far away.

17   You will hear a girl talking to a man who works at a museum. What’s the girl looking for?

Man:   Please, don’t carry your backpack round the museum.

Girl:   Oh, sorry. Err, I left all my school papers somewhere in a blue plastic … sort of box. And I can’t find them.

Man:   Which rooms have you been in?

Girl:   Well, first, I went to that one by the entrance where all the jackets and things are … Ah, that’s where it is!

18   You will hear a boy talking about learning French. How did he improve his French?

Boy:   When I was on the school trip to France, I realised I could hardly say a word! My teacher asked our class to write to children in a French school, but after a couple of weeks everyone gave up! That didn’t work, but finding funny films in French did. I like ones with talking animals!

19   You will hear a girl talking to her aunt about her hobbies. Which hobby does the girl like doing now?

Freya:   Where are all those plastic dinosaurs you used to have?

Tanya:   I gave them to the little boy next door. Whenever I have free time, I go to the riding school and I brush and feed the horses. For my birthday, Dad’s giving me a camera. Then, I can go to the zoo and start getting some amazing pictures.

20   You will hear a headteacher talking to the whole school. What’s new at the school this year?

Man:   First, let me say how pleased I am that the volleyball team won the summer championships! Second, you’ve never had somewhere nice to buy and eat lunch, but all that’s changed. After this meeting, go and look next to the library! Next, if you want to borrow a guitar, violin, etc., you must see Mrs Howard before Friday.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear a boy talking to a friend about the presents he bought during a family trip round Europe. What present did he buy in each country?


0     Germany      E

Countries Presents
21   Poland            ……

22   Switzerland   ……

23   Italy                ……

24   Spain               ……

25   Portugal         ……

A   backpack

B   calendar

C   dictionary

D   guidebook



G   photo album

H   postcards

Answer & Audioscript

21 G   22 B   23 C   24 F   25 A


Girl:   Hi, did you have a great trip round Europe?

Boy:   Yeah, and I bought this for you in Germany.

Girl:   Wow! Thanks. I can fly it on the hill next to my house at the weekend. It’s going to be windy. You went to Poland, didn’t you?

Boy:   Yes, I bought this for my Aunt Steph. She can put all the pictures she’s taken with her new camera in it. I also sent her a postcard of a lake that she loved.

Girl:   Then you went to Switzerland, right?

Boy:   Yeah, my cousin likes writing down what she’s doing on each date. So she can put this on her kitchen wall.

Girl:   The photos look like ones in guidebooks!

Boy:   Then we went to Italy. My uncle’s studying Italian, so he can look up words in this.

Girl:   Yeah. Did you buy any presents in Spain?

Boy:   My neighbour’s always drinking tea and hasn’t got enough cups. This has got her name written on it!

Girl:   Where did you get this?

Boy:   In Portugal. It’s actually a present for me. I can put my school books and things in it.

Girl:   Perfect!

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