Exercise 1

Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example.

A garden

I am between the ………street……… and a house. A (1)…………… lives in the house. The children play (2)…………… and tennis in me. The father sits on a (3)…………… and reads in me.

There is a tree. Some (4)…………… live in it.

The children eat big, red (5)…………… from one tree.

What am I? I am a garden.


1 family   2 badminton   3 chair   4 birds   5 apples

Exercise 2

Look and read. Write yes or no.


      The man has got a boat.     ………yes………

      Some children are playing football.     ………no………


1   There is a cat on the wall.     ………………..

2   The monsters are wearing shoes.     ………………..

3   The boy has got a kite.     ………………..

4   The girl is waving at the monsters.     ………………..

5   There are five ducks in the water.     ………………..


1 no   2 no   3 yes   4 yes   5 no

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