For each question, choose the correct answer..

A round-the-world trip

Alice Woods and her brother Luke went on a special holiday.

When I was 16, my parents decided to take me and my brother Luke out of school for six months to travel around the world. They wanted us to visit lots of different countries and have new experiences. They said we were old enough to do that kind of trip and believed it was better for us than spending six months in the classroom.

We both had to continue with our studies during the trip, so nearly every day we had online classes in subjects like maths and science. Our parents also made sure we studied the history of the places we visited, and when we had time, we went to museum exhibitions or read guidebooks.

We did some fantastic things on the trip, like sailing along the Mekong River in Vietnam and visiting the Taj Mahal in India. Luke enjoyed travelling around the Amboseli National Park in Kenya. He’s interested in wildlife and loved seeing the elephants. I enjoyed that too, but for me the best part was visiting the Rocky Mountains in Canada. We camped there for a few days and the views were amazing!

It was a great trip, but now we’re home again, I’m happy to be back at school and spending time with my classmates. Everyone asks if I missed things while I was away – like my favourite food or having my own room – but I tell them not really. It was an adventure and I enjoyed everything about it.

1   Why did Alice’s parents decide to take the family on a round-the-world trip?

      A   They were a little bored with life at home.

      B   They believed it was a good way to learn new things.

      C   They wanted to visit other countries while the children were still young.

2   Alice says that most days she and Luke

      A   visited an exhibition.

      B   read a guidebook.

      C   did lessons on the internet.

3   What is Alice doing in the third paragraph?

      A   explaining how to plan a trip

      B   describing some activities they did

      C   giving advice to people who enjoy travelling

4   Which place did Alice enjoy visiting the most?

      A   the Taj Mahal in India

      B   the Rocky Mountains in Canada

      C   the Amboseli National Park in Kenya

5   How does Alice feel now that their trip has finished?

      A   glad to see her friends again

      B   happy to eat meals cooked at home

      C   pleased to be back in her own room


1   B: ‘They wanted us to visit lots of different countries and have new experiences.’

2   C: ‘nearly every day we had online classes’

3   B: ‘We did some fantastic things on the trip, like sailing along the Mekong River … visiting the Taj Mahal … travelling around the Amboseli National Park … visiting the Rocky Mountains.’

4   B: ‘for me the best part was visiting the Rocky Mountains’

5   A: ‘I’m happy to be back at school and spending time with my classmates.’

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