For each question, choose the correct answer..

Your Cafés

In many parts of the UK, there are few places for young people to go that are entertaining but cost little. The (1)…………….. of youth cafés is one that has grown in recent years. The cafés are places (2)…………….. young people can relax in a safe environment.

People come for different reasons. Some want to socialize with their friends. Others like to (3)…………….. part in the activities offered. Others are (4)…………….. on using the computers and facilities.

The cafés are set up by young people for young people with adult support. For this reason, when cafés are being planned, young people (5)…………….. be involved in doing the research, the planning and the general decision-making. In this (6)…………….., organizers can be sure that the cafés will be popular with young people in the area.

1   A   aim                B   idea                  plan           view

2   A   what              B   where              which         who

3   A   get                 B   have                 make         take

4   A   attracted      B   interested       keen           happy

5   A   need             B   ought               should       would

6   A   course          B   direction         route          way


1 B   2 B   3 4 C   5 C   6 D

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