For questions 1-9, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

Brain games

According to experts, doing puzzles keeps our brains fit and (1)…………… (HEALTH). As well as gaining (2)…………… (SATISFY) from finding the correct answer to a difficult problem, we give our brains a good workout in the process. To help us do this, all sorts of handheld ‘brain games’ are now available in the shops, and the most (3)…………… (SUCCESS) games have sold in their millions.

What’s more, people (4)…………… (COVER) that the more they play the games, the easier it is to find a (5)…………… (SOLVE) to the problems posed. They see this as proof that there has been an (6)…………… (IMPROVE) in the power of their brains. Unfortunately, however, this may be a false impression.

Some (7)…………… (SCIENCE) argue that the brain gets better at any task the more often it is repeated. In other words, the improvement in the (8)…………… (PERFORM) of the brain is something that happens naturally.

So although these brain games are obviously fun to play, it remains (9)…………… (CERTAIN) whether they are actually helping to boost brainpower or not.


1 healthy   2 satisfaction   3 successful   4 discover

5 solution   6 improvement   7 scientists

8 performance   9 uncertain

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