Look at the pictures and read the story. Write words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words.
Jim’s Birthday

On Sunday, Jim went to the mountains with his parents. In the afternoon, it snowed. At home that evening, Jim wasn’t very well. ‘You’ve got a temperature, Jim,’ his mum said. ‘Have some soup and then go to bed.’ But he didn’t want any soup. He wasn’t hungry.
Jim and his parents went to ………the mountains……… on Sunday.
On Sunday afternoon, it ………snowed……… .
1 Jim had a …………………… on Sunday evening.
2 Jim didn’t have …………………… because he wasn’t hungry.

Jim slept all night, but he wasn’t better in the morning. He didn’t go to school that day. He was too ill and he slept all day. He got up in the evening and watched television. His mum gave him some chicken and rice, but he wasn’t hungry. He only ate some rice and drank some milk. He went to bed, but he wasn’t tired. He didn’t sleep very well. He woke up in the night and read his book.
3 In the morning, …………………… wasn’t better.
4 Jim couldn’t go to …………………… that day because he was too ill.
5 The only thing that Jim ate was …………………… .
6 When Jim woke up that night, he …………………… .

In the morning, Jim was sad. ‘Today’s my birthday,’ he thought, ‘but I can’t go to school and see my friends’ But Jim’s mum and dad gave him a great present – a new computer. He was very happy because he loved computer games. Then some of his friends from school came to see him. ‘Happy Birthday!’ they said. ‘This is for you, too!’ It was Jim’s favourite DVD! On Wednesday, he went back to school because he was better again.
7 Jim’s parents gave him a …………………… for his birthday.
8 Some of Jim’s …………………… went to see him.
9 Jim’s second present was …………………… .
10 Jim went back to school on …………………… when he was better.
1 temperature 2 (any) soup 3 Jim/he
4 school 5 (some) rice 6 read (a/his book)
7 (new) computer 8 (school) friends/friends from school
9 (a/his favourite) DVD 10 Wednesday