Listening 1

Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number.

There are two examples.


What’s the girl’s name?   …………Kim………

How many brothers has she got?   …………1…………


1   What’s Kim’s brother’s name?   ………………………

2   How old is Kim’s brother?   ………………………

3   What’s Kim’s family name?   ………………………

4   What’s the name of Kim’s school?   ……………………… Street School

5   What number is Kim’s flat?   ………………………

Answer & Audioscript

1 Alex   2 14/fourteen   3 Brown   4 Fruit

5 18/eighteen


MAN:   Who’s this?

GIRL:   It’s a photo of my friend. Her name’s Kim.

MAN:   Is that K-I-M?

GIRL:   Yes.

MAN:   Has Kim got brothers and sisters?

GIRL:   She’s got one brother.

MAN:   One?

GIRL:   Yes.


MAN:   What’s Kim’s brother’s name?

GIRL:   Alex. A-L-E-X.

MAN:   Is he a nice brother?

GIRL:   I don’t know.


MAN:   How old is he?

GIRL:   He’s fourteen.

MAN:   Fourteen?

GIRL:   Yes, he is.


MAN:   And what’s Kim’s family name?

GIRL:   It’s Brown.

MAN:   How do you spell that? Is it B-R-O-W-N?

GIRL:   Yes. That’s right.


MAN:   And does Kim go to your school?

GIRL:   Yes. We go to Fruit Street School.

MAN:   I don’t know that school. What street?

GIRL:   Fruit. F-R-U-I-T.


MAN:   And where does Kim live?

GIRL:   She lives in the flat next to me. Number 18.

MAN:   Which flat?

GIRL:   Number 18. We walk to school with our mums.

Listening 2

Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number.

There are two examples.


What’s the boy’s name?   …………Alex………

How old is he?   …………9…………


1   What’s the name of Alex’s friend?   ………………………

2   Where does she live?   ………………………

3   What’s the number of her house?   ………………………

4   How old is she?   ………………………

5   What’s the name of her dog?   ………………………

Answer & Audioscript

1 Kim   2 Sun   3 15/fifteen   4 10/ten   5 Happy


WOMAN:   Hello. What’s your name?

BOY:   Alex.

WOMAN:   Is that A-L-E-X?

BOY:   Yes, it is.

WOMAN:   How old are you, Alex?

BOY:   I’m nine.

WOMAN:   Nine?

BOY:   That’s right!


WOMAN:   Is that your friend?

BOY:   Yes, her name’s Kim.

WOMAN:   How do you spell that?

BOY:   K-I-M.


WOMAN:   Where does she live?

BOY:   In Sun Street.

WOMAN:   Is that S-U-N?

BOY:   Yes.

WOMAN:   That’s a good name!


WOMAN:   What number is her house?

BOY:   Fifteen.

WOMAN:   She lives at number fifteen?

BOY:   Yes, she does.


WOMAN:   How old is she?

BOY:   She’s ten now.

WOMAN:   Is she? Ten!

BOY:   Yes, it’s her birthday today.


WOMAN:   Does she like animals?

BOY:   Yes, she does. She’s got a dog.

WOMAN:   What’s its name?

BOY:   Happy.

WOMAN:   Is that H-A-P-P-Y?

BOY:   Yes, it is.

Listening 3

Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number.

There are two examples.


What’s the boy’s name?   …………Tony………

How old is the boy?   …………11…………


1   How many sisters has Tony got?   ………………………

2   What’s the name of Tony’s favourite sister?   ………………………

3   Where does Tony’s family live?   ……………………… Street

4   What’s the number of Tony’s house?   ………………………

5   What’s the name of Tony’s friend?   ………………………

Answer & Audioscript

1 4/four   2 Kim   3 Bus   4 15/fifteen   5 Alex


WOMAN:   How do you spell your name, Tony?

BOY:   My name?

WOMAN:   Yes.

BOY:   It’s T-O-N-Y.

WOMAN:   Thank you.

WOMAN:   And how old are you?

BOY:   I’m eleven.

WOMAN:   Eleven?

BOY:   Yes, that’s right.


WOMAN:   Have you got a brother, Tony?

BOY:   No, I haven’t, but I’ve got four sisters.

WOMAN:   Wow! That’s a lot!

BOY:   Yes, it is.


WOMAN:   And do you like your sisters?

BOY:   Yes. My favourite is my baby sister, Kim.

WOMAN:   Do you write that K-I-M?

BOY:   Yes. She’s funny. She eats her books!

WOMAN:   Oh dear!


WOMAN:   And where does your family live?

BOY:   We live in Bus Street.

WOMAN:   Is that B-U-S?

BOY:   Yes. My house is behind my school.


WOMAN:   And what’s the number of your house?

BOY:   It’s number fifteen.

WOMAN:   Sorry?

BOY:   Number fifteen.

WOMAN:   Oh, thanks.


WOMAN:   Do you like your house?

BOY:   Yes. My friend lives in the house next to us.

WOMAN:   What’s your friend’s name?

BOY:   It’s Alex. That’s A-L-E-X.

WOMAN:   That’s a nice name.

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