Listening Part 1
Questions 1-7
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 When does John offer to come?

2 What did the woman enjoy doing at the party?

3 What will the weather be like in the morning?

4 What time does the tour of the hospital start?

5 What isn’t the daughter having for her birthday?

6 What size shirt does the man want?

7 What are the police checking for next week?

Answer & Audioscript
1 B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 A
1 When does John offer to come?
Man: Hello, it’s John the builder here. I’ve ordered the windows and they should arrive next Monday, so I can come and fit them on Tuesday. I did have a job with someone else on Thursday, but they’ve just called to say it’s not convenient so I’m available any day next week, though perhaps we’d better forget Monday in case the windows arrive late in the day. Could you call me and let me know if this is OK?
Now listen again.
2 What did the woman enjoy doing at the party?
Man: So what did you think of the party? I’m afraid I didn’t really enjoy it that much.
Woman: No. I’m glad we decided to leave early in the end. I didn’t know anyone there and the food wasn’t the best I’ve ever had. I tried talking with someone, but the music was so loud we couldn’t hear each other. Still, I had a nice dance – that was fun but I was pleased to get home.
Now listen again.
3 What will the weather be like in the morning?
Woman: Good evening. And now it’s time for the weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow. The heavy rain and strong winds we have at the moment will continue through the night but should die out before early morning. It’s looking like we’ll be waking up to clear blue skies with lots of sunshine. We expect it to stay like this for rest of the day until the evening, when we might get a few showers.
Now listen again.
4 What time does the tour of the hospital start?
Man: Are you interested in becoming a nurse? Then why not come along to our open day this Saturday at St John’s Hospital? The activities will start with a presentation from our team of doctors at 1.00, followed by a tour with a nurse who will show you round the hospital at 1.30. And of course we will be available to answer any questions you may have. Join us at 12.30 for registration and a tea or coffee.
Now listen again.
5 What isn’t the daughter having for her birthday?
Man: Have you decided what you want for your birthday yet?
Girl: Well, mum said you could buy me some driving lessons, but I don’t think I’m ready yet.
Man: OK, well, what if we give you the money instead or get you that nice dress you were looking at?
Girl: Well, grandad’s giving me money, so I think I’d prefer the dress.
Now listen again.
6 What size shirt does the man want?
Woman: Hello sir. Can I help you?
Man: Yes, I’d like to exchange this shirt, if that’s possible.
Woman: Yes, certainly. Is there something wrong with it?
Man: No, it’s fine but it doesn’t fit me. I usually buy medium but this one seems a bit too small for me.
Woman: Would you like to exchange it for a large?
Man: I think I’ll have a look round first and see if you’ve got something else in a medium, thanks.
Now listen again.
7 What are the police checking for next week?
Woman: During the next week you’ll see extra police on the roads in your area. Officers are looking out for drivers using their mobile phones when they’re behind the wheel. Previously we focused on people not wearing seat belts or drivers going too fast and both were very successful. So, if you’re thinking of checking social media or email on your way to work, think again. Our aim is to make the roads a safer place for everyone. Please drive carefully.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 2
Questions 8-13
For each question, choose the correct answer.
8 You will hear two friends talking about a film.
What does the woman say about it?
A It’s only suitable for young people.
B The director doesn’t usually make action films.
C It has already been on TV.
9 You will hear two friends talking about someone the woman lives with.
They think it would be a good idea
A to ask him to leave.
B to remind him to do the washing-up.
C to leave him a note of things to do.
10 You will hear a woman telling a friend about a holiday she is going on.
How does she feel about it?
A She is worried it might be expensive.
B She doesn’t think she will be lonely.
C She doesn’t like doing long walks.
11 You will hear two friends talking about meeting a relation at the airport.
To help the person find him, the man has decided
A to take a sign.
B to wear something colourful.
C to email her when she arrives.
12 You will hear two friends talking about getting to the train station.
The man thinks
A the bus will take a long time.
B a taxi is too expensive.
C the train will be late.
13 You will hear two friends talking about a new laptop.
What does the man say about the old one?
A He took it to work for a while.
B It was slow to start.
C It stopped working.
Answer & Audioscript
8 B 9 A 10 B 11 B 12 A 13 A
8 You will hear two friends talking about a film.
Man: So, Storm Cloud. You saw the film last night, didn’t you?
Woman: Yes, me and lots of teenagers all excited about seeing their action heroes. I enjoyed it! I think anyone would like it, whatever their age – lots of action, an exciting plot, a happy ending.
Man: It’s quite a change for the director isn’t it? An action film, I mean.
Woman: Yes. This is his first attempt at a film like this – he’s mainly worked on TV programmes.
Now listen again.
9 You will hear two friends talking about someone the woman lives with.
Man: I hear you’re still having a problem with the new person in your flat?
Woman: Yes, his name’s Steve. He doesn’t do anything to keep the place tidy. He refuses to do any washing-up and never offers to cook. He says he just forgets to do things and that I should leave a note to remind him of jobs that need doing.
Man: I think you should ask him to find somewhere else to live.
Woman: Well, I didn’t really want to do that, but I think you’re right. He’s never going to change.
Now listen again.
10 You will hear a woman telling a friend about a holiday she is going on.
Man: So, are you looking forward to your holiday next week?
Woman: Yes, I really am. I’ll be leaving next Friday. I booked it just in time before the price went up.
Man: You’re very brave to go on your own, aren’t you? Won’t you feel a bit lonely?
Woman: Well, I’ll be visiting friends once I’m there and they’ve promised to introduce me to their friends, so I don’t think that will be a problem. I’m hoping to do some long walks in the countryside if the weather isn’t too bad.
Now listen again.
11 You will hear two friends talking about meeting a relation at the airport.
Man: Yes, so I’m meeting my cousin at the airport. Her plane arrives at about 9.00. I can’t wait to see her for the first time and find out what she’s like.
Woman: You’ve never seen each other before? How are you going to recognise each other?
Man: Well, I was going to take a sign so that she could find me in the crowds, but everybody carries them, don’t they? So, I’ve decided I’m going to wear something colourful instead. I haven’t told her yet, so I need to send her an email.
Now listen again.
12 You will hear two friends talking about getting to the train station.
Woman: What time shall we leave for the station in the morning?
Man: I was thinking about 9.00. That will give us time to catch the train.
Woman: Shall I come to your house or will you come to mine?
Man: Well, you’re nearer to the station so I could get the bus to you. But they take ages at that time in the morning and I’m worried we’ll be late and miss the train. It’s more expensive, but a taxi might be quicker. I can order it and come to you.
Woman: OK. Let’s do that.
Now listen again.
13 You will hear two friends talking about a new laptop.
Man: I see you’ve bought a new laptop.
Woman: Yes, I’ve had the old one for years and I thought I’d get a newer model.
Man: What do you think of it?
Woman: It starts up really quickly, though to be fair the old one wasn’t that slow. But it’s so much lighter. I stopped taking the old one to work in the end as it was so heavy.
Man: Oh, the new one sounds much better, I’m sure you’ll be pleased with it.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 3
Questions 14-19
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a number or a date or a time.
You will hear a radio presenter called Erica talking about how we can help the environment.
How to help the environment
Remember that when we’re (14) ……………….. . we always have the choice to buy something somewhere else.
Take (15) ……………….. with you the next time you go shopping.
Recycle unwanted things by giving them to (16) ………………..
See how you might be able to help with (17) ……………….. problems where you live.
Ask your friends to help you clear rubbish and litter from (18) ……………….. and streets in your area.
Try car-sharing with your (19) ……………….. if you work in the same area.
Answer & Audioscript
14 shopping 15 plastic bags 16 charity shops
17 environmental 18 rivers 19 neighbour
This morning we’re continuing to look at environmental problems to see what we can do to help. And we can make a difference if we try. We often forget that as people who go shopping, we have a lot of power. If one company does something we don’t like we can always shop somewhere else.
Then there’s the amount of plastic that comes with the goods we buy. Try buying things that aren’t wrapped in it. And if you’re offered a bag and you don’t need one, just say ‘no thanks’. And any plastic bags you have at home, don’t throw them away. Put them away somewhere until your next shopping trip and use them then.
On the subject of throwing stuff away, I try to keep things that other people might be able to use. There are always charity shops which are very happy to help you recycle your old clothes or things in the house. Knowing that someone else is getting pleasure from something you no longer need is a lovely feeling.
Pollution is of course a big problem, and we often feel that as individuals we have no power to make any difference. But that’s not true. Find out what some of the local environmental problems are and see how you can help. Get together with friends and help to clear the rubbish from local rivers or collect litter from the streets around your home to keep the area looking tidy.
Finally, let’s turn to energy. Cars are here to stay for the moment, and it would be difficult to ask people not to use them at all. But we should all try to avoid making unnecessary car journeys. Go by bike or public transport sometimes or, if you work in the same area as your neighbour, try car-sharing. Take it in turns to drive to work.
Now listen again.
Listening Part 4
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear an interview with a woman called Sally Wainwright, who recently started singing classes.
20 Sally explained that
A people kept telling her to try something different.
B she didn’t enjoy art classes.
C she had never been to a singing class.
21 Sally wanted to sing because
A her husband wanted her to.
B her mother told her she would love it.
C she didn’t want to feel embarrassed about singing.
22 What does Sally say she likes about the group?
A The people are very kind.
B You don’t need to show you can sing well to join.
C You only sing on your own if you want to.
23 What does Sally say about the first session?
A She had problems with her car.
B She felt better after talking with the organiser.
C She was asked to stand at the back.
24 Since she has been singing with the group
A Sally now sings with her children.
B Sally has achieved all her goals.
C Sally is more confident about singing on her own.
25 What does Sally say about singing?
A It can make you physically stronger.
B She is sure it is good for her health.
C She ends a session feeling cheerful.
Answer & Audioscript
20 C 21 C 22 B 23 B 24 A 25 C
Interviewer: I’m speaking with Sally Wainwright, who recently started singing classes. What made you decide to do that, Sally?
Sally: Well, I’d reached a time in my life when I wanted to do more, to meet new people, to try something different. I’d been to art classes, which were OK, and keep fit, which I hated. Singing classes were something I’d always wanted to try but never had the confidence to start.
Interviewer: Why was that do you think?
Sally: I always felt uncomfortable singing, even with my family. For example, going on holiday, my husband and children would sing along to the radio, but I never joined in. My mum had a great voice. I loved listening to her singing while she was cooking. I wanted to be able to do the same without feeling silly.
Interviewer: Was it easy to find a class?
Sally: Yes, a friend told me about one locally. I was worried I’d have to pass a test of some kind before they let me join but anybody was welcome, and you didn’t need to prove how good your voice was. You just turned up for a practice session with other people. That was the best bit about it. We all sing together, not on our own.
Interviewer: So how did you feel in that first session?
Sally: Well. I was so worried before the session I nearly turned the car round and went home. People were already there waiting to start and, one of the organisers turned up. We talked about my reasons for coming along and, well, she gave me the confidence to give it a try. I found a space at the back of the group and just sang with everyone else.
Interviewer: So, has it helped you become more confident?
Sally: Absolutely, yes. Being in a group means you can sing without feeling silly. I’ve never been asked to sing on my own and I’m not sure how I’d feel if they did ask me, but now I join in with the kids when there’s a good song on the radio. It’s great to know I’ve achieved one of the goals I had when I started.
Interviewer: So, would you recommend we all do something similar?
Sally: Definitely. It’s a great confidence builder, you’ll make friends, and it’s good for your health. There are supposed to be physical benefits from singing – something to do with increasing the oxygen levels, which makes us feel happier – I’m not sure about all that but I do know I always go home in a good mood.
Now listen again.
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