Listening Part 1
Questions 1-7
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 What will the girl bring to the dinner?

2 Where is the girl hurting now?

3 Where was the dog found?

4 What programme does the girl want to watch on TV today?

5 Which DVD did the boy like most?

6 Which sport did the girl do for the first time last summer?

7 What can you buy half price today?

Answer & Audioscript
1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 B
1 What will the girl bring to the dinner?
Boy: Hi Jane, don’t forget you are coming to ours for dinner on Saturday. We are eating at about 8.30 so why don’t you come about 7.30? My parents are very happy that we’ll be eating together.
Girl: Me too! I’m looking forward to it. Shall I bring something to drink? I could bring a bottle of fresh juice and some soft drinks if you like.
Boy: No, you don’t need to bring anything with you. We are having roast chicken by the way.
Girl: That sounds nice. Roast chicken is my favourite. I’ll bake us something to eat for dessert then. Maybe I’ll make a chocolate cake as I know you’ll like that.
2 Where is the girl hurting now?
Boy: What did you do to your hand, Sally?
Girl: Oh, it’s nothing. I fell off my bike but it’s only a small cut. The bike landed on my leg though and now it’s very sore. Fortunately I didn’t have to go to hospital.
Boy: Oh dear! Well, at least you didn’t hit your head on the ground when you fell.
Girl: I know, I was very lucky. It could have been a lot worse.
3 Where was the dog found?
Girl: I see you found your dog, Bill. Was she in the park?
Boy: No, although I did lose her in the park when she saw a cat and ran away. Normally she stays with me but I think the cat made her too excited and she didn’t come back to me when I called her.
Girl: You must have been really worried, especially with that busy road next to the park.
Boy: I was. I went home hoping she was back there but then I got a phone call from the butcher to say she was looking through his window at the sausages! He kept her until I arrived to collect her.
4 What programme does the girl want to watch on TV today?
Girl: What are you watching? Oh, another volleyball match.
Boy: I thought you liked volleyball.
Girl: I like playing volleyball, but it’s so boring watching others playing while you are sitting on a sofa. Anyway it’s nearly time for Work in the Sky – there’s a special report on pilots.
Boy: Don’t you and mum want to watch that music show you like, Song Story?
Girl: Yes, but I’m sure she won’t mind missing it just one time.
Boy: I guess not. OK, what time does it start?
Girl: Right now!
5 Which DVD did the boy like most?
Girl: What did you get for your birthday?
Boy: Lots of really good DVDs. I had a car racing one, a basketball games one and a karaoke one that you sing along to.
Girl: I bet you loved the car racing one, didn’t you?
Boy: To be honest I enjoyed having a good sing more than anything. It was so much fun. The other night some friends dropped by and we had such a great time singing and dancing.
6 Which sport did the girl do for the first time last summer?
Boy: Hi Carlotta. How was your summer holiday?
Girl: It was amazing. We spent most of our time swimming and we did a bit of water skiing. I like skiing but then I thought I’d like to try something new for a change. My brother had been surfboarding on the first day of the holiday and although it looked like fun I was a bit nervous about trying it. I stuck to water skiing for a couple of days but then I had a chat with the surfboarding instructor and he told me how to do it safely. I have to say it was great fun once I got used to it and stopped being so nervous. I’ll definitely do it again next summer.
7 What can you buy half price today?
Woman: Good morning shoppers. Why not visit the fresh fruit and vegetable stalls to buy some healthy food for your family? Don’t forget you can buy some lovely meat at either of our wonderful butchers. For all you book lovers, Books Galore has 50% off all novels today so now’s a good chance to buy your beach books for the summer holidays. Finally, look out for the shopping centre staff who are giving out free cinema tickets to ten lucky customers today. Happy shopping!
Listening Part 2
Questions 8-13
For each question, choose the correct answer.
8 You will hear two friends talking about a family visit to a cafe.
What did the girl’s mother like best?
A the apple juice
B the pictures hanging on the walls
C the cake along with her drink
9 You will hear a boy talking about his big brother learning to drive.
How did the boy’s brother feel about his first lesson?
A quite nervous as he was afraid of crashing
B excited to have the chance to get around on his own
C bored as he already knew how to drive
10 You will hear two friends talking about getting a Saturday job.
The girl thinks that
A it’s a good idea to look for a job.
B they would both be too tired.
C they should take any job they can get.
11 You will hear two friends talking about a film they have seen.
What do they agree on?
A The film was better than they had expected.
B The characters were not believable.
C There should have been less action.
12 You will hear a boy telling his friend about a school trip to a museum.
How did he feel about it?
A He would be willing to visit it again soon.
B He thought it was a waste of time.
C It was more interesting than he had expected.
13 You will hear two friends talking about a new teacher.
They think the new teacher is
A more interesting than the rest of the teachers.
B funny and never gives them any homework.
C too serious sometimes.
Answer & Audioscript
8 C 9 B 10 A 11 B 12 C 13 A
8 You will hear two friends talking about a family visit to a cafe.
Boy: I really enjoyed that. It’s much nicer than the old cafe in town. The apple juice was great. How was your mother’s hot chocolate?
Girl: It was lovely especially with all the cream they put on top and the cake was fantastic. It was really delicious.
Boy: I realised that when she had a second piece. I don’t think she is sticking to her diet today, do you?
Girl: No, but she deserves a day off after such a difficult week, I have to say. Anyway, the pictures on the wall were a bit strange though.
Boy: Do you think so? My father and I really liked them. I guess they were a bit too modern for your liking, weren’t they?
9 You will hear a boy talking about his big brother learning to drive.
Girl: How did your big brother’s driving lesson go? He must have been really nervous.
Boy: He wasn’t really. He can’t wait to drive as it’s so boring waiting for our parents to drive him to places all the time. Sometimes he wants to go somewhere and he can’t because either he can’t get there or he can’t get home again after.
Girl: Wasn’t he worried he might crash the car or that someone might crash into him?
Boy: No. He was too exciting to be worried. In fact, it was great fun. This is the start of a new part of his life … Freedom to do what he wants at last! I also want to learn to drive as soon as I finish school.
10 You will hear two friends talking about getting a Saturday job.
Boy: We need to do something about getting a Saturday job, don’t we? I’ve had enough of not having any money and asking my parents all the time whenever I want to buy something.
Girl: Me too, but we need to be careful that we don’t get jobs that make us too tired to do our school work.
Boy: Right!
Girl: Let’s look at shop work because then we will be in the warm and the hours aren’t too long.
Boy: Good idea. We can look online to find a job. There must be lots of jobs out there if we look hard enough.
Girl: Well, let’s get started then. I’ll get my laptop.
11 You will hear two friends talking about a film they have seen.
Girl: I was disappointed by that film. It seemed to go on forever. I’m surprised because the reviews were really good and other people seemed to like it.
Boy: I know what you mean. It did the plenty of action which I liked but the characters were not very realistic. There is no way the policeman would have behaved the way he did.
Girl: Yes, I have to agree with you there. No one would behave like that in real life. And when the woman saw the criminal, she didn’t even seem scared.
Boy: Let’s see a comedy next time.
12 You will hear a boy telling his friend about a school trip to a museum.
Girl: How was the trip to the museum? Was it a bit boring?
Boy: Well surprisingly, I had a great time. There was a fantastic natural history exhibition with huge dinosaurs. Also the space rooms were great. You could sit in a space rocket and watch videos of the planets and stars.
Girl: Really? But I thought you didn’t want to go. You weren’t at all keen on going last week.
Boy: I didn’t but there was some interesting stuff there. I hadn’t realised how big the museum was either. Having said that, I wouldn’t really want to go again but I’m glad I went.
13 You will hear two friends talking about a new teacher.
Girl: So what do you think about the new English teacher?
Boy: Well, it’s funny because I didn’t like her at first but actually I’m enjoying her lessons now. English isn’t my favourite subject but I like it more than I used to.
Girl: I agree. She really brings the lessons to life. She’s not like the other teachers.
Boy: Yes and she’s not too serious but she keeps us all under control. So far she hasn’t given us too much homework either and that’s always a good thing.
Listening Part 3
Questions 14-19
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a number or a date or a time.
You will hear a student called Andreana giving a presentation to her class about her father’s job.
Fly High
Andreana’s project is about (14) ………………… .
After university, her father worked as a teacher in a (15) ………………… .
On his first flight (16) ………………… passengers were travelling to Italy on his plane.
Difficult passengers and bad (17) ………………… are problems that a pilot has to deal with.
Andreana’s father says that some plane travellers feel that they lose (18) ………………… of their life when flying.
She says that he drinks a cup of (19) ………………… just after his plane has taken off.
Answer & Audioscript
14 jobs 15 primary school
16 80 (eighty) 17 weather
18 control 19 coffee
Girl: Hi everyone. (14) I have chosen to tell you about my father’s job for the project we had for today. I chose the first project which focuses on jobs. I found the other topic on the environment a bit difficult.
My father is a pilot for an international airline company. He’s been flying people around the world for the last sixteen years and he loves his job. After he graduated from university, he became a teacher. (15) He taught in a primary school and he really enjoyed it. However, he’d always had a dream that one day he would fly, so he decided to go for an important career change and train as a pilot.
(16) He will never forget his first flight when he was responsible for a plane with 80 happy holiday-makers on their way to Italy. Six more people were working on the plane. He was very nervous. Everything went well though and he was so pleased when his first flight was behind him.
He often gets nervous people asking him questions about how dangerous flying really is. He tells them that it is the safest way to travel. (17) However, sometimes unexpected things happen during a flight, such as bad weather or difficult passengers, but he says that the most important thing a pilot can do is to always stay calm.
(18) My father believes that what nervous passengers have in common is that they need to be in control of their life and when they get on a plane they have to give up that control.
He always does his best to make passengers feel relaxed on the flight. (19) Once he has taken off and he is cruising in the sky, he always has a coffee to make him feel extra awake and ready for anything.
Listening Part 4
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear an interview with a young writer called Darren.
20 When did Darren first start to write stories?
A after reading a lot while he was a child
B when he was recovering from an illness
C while he was in hospital
21 Writing helped Darren to
A help his family financially.
B talk more to his friends and family.
C become one of the happiest teenagers.
22 Why didn’t Darren send his book to a publisher?
A He wanted to write a second book first.
B He wanted to finish his therapy first.
C He didn’t think it was good enough.
23 Darren’s family read his book because
A they were anxious about his feelings.
B they always liked the stories he writes in his diary.
C they wanted his sister to make a copy of it.
24 How did Darren feel when the publisher emailed him?
A He was excited about the opportunity he was offered.
B He thought it was a joke.
C He was angry at his parents for going behind his back.
25 What does Darren plan to do next?
A write another book immediately
B get a proper job
C go to university
Answer & Audioscript
20 B 21 A 22 C 23 A 24 B 25 C
Woman: Hi Darren. You are very successful for such a young writer. Can you tell us what got you into writing stories?
Boy: Funnily enough I was never much of a reader and I certainly didn’t read novels. I quite liked comics. (20) When I was thirteen I got quite ill and spent a long time in hospital. When I was allowed home, I had several months in bed when I couldn’t really do much. I was very bored and just started to write. To this day I don’t know why I did it.
Woman: And what effect did this have on you at the time?
Boy: Well, I was missing seeing my friends and having fun and generally I wasn’t the happiest of teenagers. I guess writing the book took me to another place in my head where I wasn’t worried about being sick and I felt free in a way. (21) I never dreamed that the book would become something that helped me and my family earn money.
Woman: So when did you realise that your book was good enough to send to a publisher and how did you go about doing that?
Boy: I didn’t (22) I never for a second thought the book was any good. I didn’t even think anyone would ever read it. It was just for me a kind of therapy to give myself something to do. I had no plans whatsoever to be a writer.
Woman: So what happened?
Boy: Well, I didn’t know it at the time (23) but my family had been reading what I was writing. I think they were very worried about me and thought I was writing a diary about my feelings. My parents showed my elder sister and she sent a copy off to several publishers. The first thing I knew about it was when I got an email from a publishing house saying they wanted to meet me to discuss my story.
Woman: Wow, you must have been so excited.
Boy: (24) No, I wasn’t because I just thought it was a friend being silly and having some fun. Then, the letter came from the publisher offering me a large amount of money and I realised it was real.
Woman: And now three years later, how is your life? What are your plans?
Boy: (25) Actually, I’m about to have a bit of a break in order to concentrate on my final exams. I want to study literature after school. Then I might write another book or several books. Who knows? I may have a great career as a writer when I become an adult, or I may do a completely different job.
Woman: Darren I wish you luck in the future.
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