Listening Part 1
Questions 1-7
For each question, choose the correct answer.
1 How had the girl expected to travel?

2 Which skirt did the girl buy?

3 What is the weather forecast for Saturday?

4 Which book has the boy already bought?

5 Which lesson did the girl have first?

6 Who is the girl phoning?

7 What is the boy’s mother going to get?

Answer & Audioscript
1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 B
1 How had the girl expected to travel?
Boy: Hi! I expected you and your mum earlier. What happened?
Girl: Well, at first we had thought of coming by rail but we found out at the last minute they aren’t running today. Something about the weather being so bad…
Boy: Of course, the snow I guess. I should have warned you. It would have been better to fly. It’s only an hour. My dad could have picked you up at the airport.
Girl: Don’t worry about it. Actually, in the end we got a lift with a friend whose Mum was coming down on business. So it all worked out fine.
2 Which skirt did the girl buy?
Girl: I bought a new skirt last week.
Boy: The long one with a nice belt?
Girl: No, it was too long and it wasn’t comfortable at all. The new one’s short and it’s got stripes. There was another one which was also short but it had some big buttons that I didn’t like very much. I think I’ve made the right choice. I’m looking forward to wearing it at the school party next Saturday.
3 What is the weather forecast for Saturday?
Man: Good evening. And here’s the weather forecast for the whole country for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Well, as you can see we are in for some heavy rain during Friday. Thunder and strong winds in the west will spread east as the day goes on. However this will be followed by milder weather on Saturday, still cloudy though. On Sunday there will be sunshine over most of the country. Enjoy it, because temperatures will be dropping from Monday.
4 Which book has the boy already bought?
Boy: I’m very happy that the school is finished.
Girl: Yes. I like the summer. I want to buy a new book to read on the beach while sunbathing. I’ll go to a nice island with my parents and my cousins for a month.
Boy: I’ve already bought one called ‘Climbing Mount Everest’. A young teenager describes his experience of climbing. It must be very interesting. I’ve also ordered two more books; one about animals and the other about sailing but the shop assistant at the bookshop told me that they won’t be come in until Thursday.
5 Which lesson did the girl have first?
Girl: Today I had a great time at school. I had Mrs Lane for science and we did an interesting experiment at school’s lab. We had to wear gloves and special glasses. Then I had Mrs Smith for maths. Oh, no! First we had maths and then science. Although I was afraid of having a test she told us that we’ll write next week so I’m happy that I can prepare much better until then. At the end of the day we had art with Mrs Edison. It’s nice that the programme changed as we had art first, but Mrs Edison had a small accident with her car and she was a bit delayed.
6 Who is the girl phoning?
Girl: Hello… My name’s Fay Hannigan. I have an appointment with you at one thirty but I’m afraid I’m running a bit late. I woke with terrible toothache so it couldn’t be avoided I’m afraid. Then I thought I’d still have the time to pick up some medicine from the chemist after going to the dentist, but there was such a long queue, so that put me even further behind. Anyway, I was thinking that if I’m too late for a cut, I can rebook for the weekend as I’ll be in town shopping with my mother.
7 What is the boy’s mother going to get?
Girl: What time are your friends coming to watch the match tonight?
Boy: Around 6.00pm. Can we order a pizza?
Girl: The place round the corner has closed down. Let’s see what mum’s got in the freezer… ah yes, there’s a frozen pizza and some ice cream for after. Now you need some soft drinks. I’ll tell mum to bring some on her way back from work.
Boy: Thanks Laura. You’re a star!
Listening Part 2
Questions 8-13
For each question, choose the correct answer.
8 You will hear two friends talking about a new sports centre.
What does the girl say about it?
A Everybody gets a membership discount.
B It’s worth becoming a full member.
C Members pay extra for some classes.
9 You will hear two friends talking about shopping online.
How does the boy feel about it?
A He finds it difficult to decide what to buy.
B He finds online shopping stressful.
C He finds online shopping satisfactory.
10 You will hear a girl telling a friend about a holiday she’s been on.
What does the girl say about herself and her cousin?
A They both liked outdoor activities.
B They enjoyed most of their time together.
C They had little in common.
11 You will hear a boy asking a girl about an article he has written.
The girl tells the boy to
A give more examples.
B change the subject.
C correct some mistakes.
12 You will hear two friends talking about a new television series.
What does the boy think about it?
A The acting is quite good.
B He finds it amusing.
C It should be in English.
13 You will hear a girl talking about a new teacher.
How do the girl’s parents feel?
A negative towards her new maths teacher
B worried about her changing class
C surprised by her progress in maths
Answer & Audioscript
8 B 9 C 10 C 11 C 12 B 13 C
8 You will hear two friends talking about a new sports centre.
Boy: Have you ever thought about joining that new sports centre that’s just opened?
Girl: Actually, I already use their pool frequently. I had a great offer on annual membership. I got fifty percent off with my student card, as I was among the first new members.
Boy: Really? I was thinking of joining the gym there. Can you pay per class or do you have to be a member?
Girl: Without full membership you have to pay a registration fee to use their facilities and then also pay for each class, so membership actually works out cheaper.
9 You will hear two friends talking about shopping online.
Girl: Is that a new bag you’ve got there? It’s so cool. Where did you buy it?
Boy: Actually, I do most of my shopping online nowadays. I really hate going into shops as there is too much choice. I get anxious and then can’t make decisions. I always end up buying something I don’t really like.
Girl: Me too. But isn’t there a bit of a danger buying online? I bought some expensive shoes once and they were nothing like the picture on the site.
Boy: Okay, you’re right, but generally I’ve been happy with what I’ve bought, so it works for me. Stress-free shopping.
10 You will hear a girl telling a friend about a holiday she’s been on.
Boy: Where were you? Have you been on holiday?
Girl: Actually I have been away. I went to stay with a cousin in Cornwall. It was a lovely place but I wouldn’t do it again!
Boy: But it sounds great!
Girl: The trouble is I felt I had to do everything with her and we had different ideas about how to spend our days. I love walking but she is not keen on anything except reading novels and watching boring movies!
Boy: Yes, I guess that is the disadvantage of staying with relatives.
11 You will hear a boy asking a girl about an article he has written.
Boy: So what do you think of my article for the school newspaper?
Girl: I think it’s OK. The teacher will definitely be surprised by what you chose to write, but in a good way – you didn’t copy text from web.
Boy: So you think it’s ready to hand in then?
Girl: If I were you, I’d check it first. You’ve included several information about the topic and some good examples to explain your point of view, but it still has some spelling and grammatical mistakes.
Boy: OK. Can you help me?
12 You will hear two friends talking about a new television series.
Boy: Have you seen that new Italian series on TV? The one about teenagers who work as journalists on that newspaper as a Saturday job?
Girl: Yes, I’ve watched it twice but I think it isn’t very realistic. The story is a bit confusing too, but maybe that’s because of the bad English translation.
Boy: Yes, you’re right. Also the acting could be better. But despite all that, it makes me laugh which is what I need at the end of the day. It’s better than watching song contests.
Girl: You’re right there!
13 You will hear a girl talking about a new teacher.
Boy: Do you have that new teacher for maths? I’ve heard he’s really cool.
Girl: Yes. He gives great examples, which really helps me to understand. Until last year I hated maths but now it’s my favourite subject. He always explain thing very well.
Boy: Gosh, are you serious? We still have Miss Helen who is very strict and doesn’t explain anything. It’s so unfair! I’m going to ask to change class.
Girl: Good idea! I’m going better at maths thanks to him. My parents are amazed as they had given up with my maths! They feel grateful to him.
Listening Part 3
Questions 14-19
For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one or two words or a number or a date or a time.
You will hear a man called Jack Pindar talking to a group of students about his job as a radio presenter.
Radio Presenter
At university Jack studied (14) ………………… .
Before the show Jack drinks (15) ………………… .
Jack’s favourite part of the job is (16) ………………… .
Jack was embarrassed when he couldn’t remember a (17) ………………… .
If Jack wasn’t a radio presenter he would be a (18) ………………… .
Jack will be doing a charity show at (19) ………………… at the weekend.
Answer & Audioscript
14 history 15 tea 16 interviews
17 name 18 reporter 19 Hatfield House
Man: Good morning, thanks for inviting me to come and talk to you all today. I have been a radio presenter for ten years now. I started doing DJ work for the university radio station. Strangely I wasn’t studying music or art, (14) in fact I was a history student but I’ve always loved music.
I do the breakfast show Monday to Friday. I start at 6 am and I’m not much of a breakfast person so I don’t eat before the show. Everyone eats and drinks loads of strong coffee but (15) I’m a tea man myself. One big cup and then I’m ready to start. Once I finish the show at ten I have my breakfast then and a glass of juice.
I love my job because I get to play great music. (16) The best thing of all is when I get to do interviews. I’ve met some amazing people, some of them famous and some of them just ordinary people who have done wonderful things.
Unfortunately I have made myself look silly a few times. My memory isn’t that good. It’s not that I forget dates or times or anything like that but (17) once in the middle of talking to a politician I forgot their name. That was not good!
I had never thought that I would have a successful career as a radio presenter when I was at university. I was always interested in teaching or acting but (18) if I changed careers now I would definitely be a reporter of some kind as I love talking to people.
Well, that’s a little bit about me. If any of you are free this weekend and aren’t too busy studying or going to clubs, why not come and see me at a charity event I am doing at Hatfield House? If you want to make a note of that it’s spelt, (19) H-A-T-F-I-E-L-D House. I hope to see some of you there.
Listening Part 4
Questions 20-25
For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear an interview with a 17-year-old boy called Daniel, who arranged some events to raise money to improve a local youth club.
20 Daniel decided to try to raise money because
A there was a lot of crime in his neighbourhood.
B he and his friends were bored.
C it was part of a school project.
21 How did Daniel let people know about the events?
A He used social media.
B He put posters in public places.
C He phoned everyone.
22 Daniel says that in the beginning he thought
A he wouldn’t raise enough money.
B it would be easy to raise the money.
C it would take a long time to raise the money.
23 How did Daniel feel after the first event?
A excited
B disappointed
C angry
24 Daniel’s favourite event was
A the Sunday sale.
B the cooking competition.
C the dog show.
25 In the future, Daniel plans to
A do more work for charity.
B open another youth club.
C become a better cook.
Answer & Audioscript
20 C 21 A 22 C 23 B 24 C 25 A
Woman: Daniel, you’ve just successfully raised a lot of money to improve your local youth club. Why did you decide to raise this money?
Daniel: I live in a small village and without our youth club it would be very boring. People always say that if young people are bored, they might turn to crime and our village is peaceful and I didn’t want that to happen. (20) Then we had to do a project at school to help the local people and it seemed like a good idea.
Woman: So how did you inform people about the different events that you organised?
Daniel: I wanted to put up posters in public places but I wasn’t allowed to do that. It would have been impossible to phone everyone so (21) I emailed people and I set up a Facebook page to let everyone know about it.
Woman: Daniel, when you first started your effort to raise money, how did you expect it would go?
Daniel: Well, I wasn’t silly enough to think it was going to be easy to raise a lot of money but I was quite confident that if I worked hard I could raise quite a lot in the end. (22) I wasn’t expecting to have good results quickly.
Woman: What were your feelings after your very first event, Daniel?
Daniel: The first event was the cooking competition which I had been really excited about as I thought it would raise lots of money. There are so many TV programmes about cooking now that I thought it would be really popular but only ten people took part and (23) although we sold all the cakes they made it raised a disappointing amount of money. I wasn’t too sad about it though because I ate a lot of cake.
Woman: Which of the events did you enjoy the most?
Daniel: Obviously it was nice eating cake at the cooking competition, as I just said. (24) But the dog show was really amazing as we had over 50 dogs take part and it was brilliant fun. Lots of people came to watch it and we raised a huge amount of money. I felt wonderful after that event. The Sunday sale was ok because people were selling interesting and unusual things but I didn’t really get excited by it.
Woman: Finally Daniel, what are your plans for the future as you seem to be an ambitious young man?
Daniel: I liked being useful so I think it’s something I will continue to do in the future. Our youth club is great now so that’s all done. My mum said I should learn to cook as I enjoy cakes so much but cooking isn’t for me. But seriously, (25) I think I will probably start raising money again to do something useful for our town.
Woman: Thank you for talking to us Daniel and well done.
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