1  Complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1   ……Did…… you ……eat…… (eat) at home yesterday?

2   I ………………………………… (not try) Cantonese food yet.

3   Joe ………………………………… (live on) junk food when he was a teenager.

4   Since I woke up, I ………………………………… (not eat) anything.

5   ……………… you ………………………………… (always / be) a vegetarian?

6   They ………………………………… (wash) the carrots before they cooked them.


2   haven’t tried

3   lived on

4   haven’t eaten

5   Have, always been

6   washed

2  Are the words in bold in the correct place? Tick (✔) the correct sentences. Correct the incorrect sentences.

1   Have you had lunch yet? ✔


2   I haven’t still been to that new café. ……


3   I’ve already had pasta today. ……


4   We’ve just taken our final exams. ……


5   The waiter hasn’t brought yet dessert. ……


6   I just have eaten so I’m not hungry, thanks. ……



2   I still haven’t been to that new café.

3   ✔

4   ✔

5   The waiter hasn’t brought dessert yet.

6   I have just eaten so I’m not hungry, thanks.

3  Tom is organising a party. Write sentences with already and yet for the things in the list he has (✔) and hasn’t done (✗).

invite guests ✔

bake a cake ✔

put up decorations ✗

buy snacks ✔

make a playlist of songs ✗

decorate the cake ✗

1   ……He’s already invited the guests. ……

2    ………………………………………………

3    ………………………………………………

4    ………………………………………………

5    ………………………………………………

6    ………………………………………………


 He’s/has already baked a cake.

 He hasn’t/has not put up decorations yet.

 He’s/has already bought snacks.

 He hasn’t/has not made a playlist of songs yet.

 He hasn’t/has not decorated the cake yet.

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Change the verbs to the present simple or present perfect.

1   wake / I / up / just / have

      ……I have just woken up. ……

2   New York / to / yet / not go / I


3   not read / I / any / books / still / Harry Potter


4   to / yesterday / I / go / school


5   outside / go / already / I / today


6   volleyball / afternoon / yesterday / play / I



 I haven’t been to New York yet.

 I still haven’t read any Harry Potter books.

 I went to school yesterday./Yesterday I went to school.

 I have already been outside today.

 I played volleyball yesterday afternoon.

Complete the email with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in the box.

eat     not find     have     just / announce

lose     see (x2)     not take off     visit

Hi Mum,

I’m sitting on the plane. We 1……haven’t taken…… off yet. I 2………………… a great time here in Bali these last two weeks. Yesterday the class 3………………… an island where we 4………………… lots of Komodo dragons and we 5………………… fresh lobster from the sea. Yum!

I’m a bit annoyed because I 6………………… my headphones two days ago and I still 7………………… them. Hopefully they’re somewhere in my suitcase. The flight is going to be a bit boring; they’re showing three films but I 8………………… already them.

Oh well. Got to go now. The pilot 9………………… that we’re ready to take off.

See you soon!


2   have had

3   visited

4   saw

5   ate

6   lost

7   haven’t found

8   have, seen

9   has just announced

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