1  Read the story. How many sentences are there?

Dan woke up. He got out of bed. He didn’t look at his clock. He opened the fridge. It was almost empty. He was hungry. He decided to go out for some food. He went to a café. It was closed. It was only 6.30 in the morning!

2  Read the same story. This time, the sentences are linked with linking words. Underline the linking words.

Dan woke up and got out of bed. He didn’t look at his clock. He opened the fridge, but it was almost empty. He was hungry, so he decided to go out for some food. He went to a café, but it was closed because it was only 6.30 in the morning!

3  Choose the correct linking words in italics.

1   I wanted to go to the cinema, but / so I didn’t have any money.

2   It was late and / because I was very tired.

3   It was cold, but / so I put on my coat.

4   We couldn’t play tennis but / because it was raining.

5   I invited Sam, because / but he didn’t want to come.

6   It was sunny, but / so we decided to have a barbecue.

4  Look at the A and B sentences. Underline the linking words that join the sentences in b.

1   A   He showed me a photo. It wasn’t very clear.

      B   He showed me a photo which wasn’t very clear.

2   A   I saw a girl. She looked scared.

      B   I saw a girl who looked scared.

3   A   I saw a man in the street. He was singing.

      B   I saw a man in the street who was singing.

4   A   The man was carrying a bag. It looked heavy.

      B   The man was carrying a bag that looked heavy.

5  Look at Exercise 4 again. Choose the correct words in italics.

1   We can use who / which and that to write about people.

2   We can use who / which and that to write about things.

6  Choose the correct words in italics to complete the stories.

Emma was on holiday with her family in a new city, and they wanted to go to a museum. They were lost. Then they saw a girl (1) which / who was holding a map. The girl showed Emma her map. But she gave Emma some directions (2) which / who were wrong! Emma and her family found the museum, but it was closed when they arrived!

Martin was in the city centre with his mum. He wanted to buy some new shoes, so he went to a shoe shop. He saw some black shoes (3) which / who he liked. They were very expensive. His mum didn’t have much money. She spoke to an assistant (4) which / who worked in the shop. The assistant showed Martin some cheaper shoes. Martin liked these ones, too, so he bought them.



10 sentences


Dan woke up and got out of bed. He didn’t look at his clock. He opened the fridge, but it was almost empty. He was hungry, so he decided to go out for some food. He went to a café, but it was closed because it was only 6.30 in the morning!


1 but   2 and   3 so   4 because   5 but   6 so


1 which   2 who   3 who   4 that


1 who   2 which


1 who   2 which   3 which   4 who

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