For each question, choose the correct answer.

Miniature paintings

Shammi Banu is a painter (1)…………… India. His family have painted very small paintings called ‘miniatures’ for (2)…………… years. Everything Shammi knows about painting was taught to (3)…………… by his father. He was a great teacher. Shammi has taught many people to paint (4)…………… 1997 and now he has British, American and Indian students in his classes.

Shammi uses things like plants and flowers to make (5)…………… the colours he needs for his paints. Making them takes a long time. He breaks the plants into small pieces and (6)…………… washes them and puts them in the paint. When he has the colour he wants, he sometimes adds food or blue to the paint to help it stay on the paper.

1   A   for            B   from         of

2   A   many       B   a lot          much

3   A   it               B   him           them

4   A   since        B   during      in

5   A   some       B   all              every

6   A   after        B   first           then


1 B   2 A   3 B   4 A   5 B   6 C

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