For questions 1-9, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

Remembering people’s names

Most of us have suffered the (1)…………… (EMBARRASS) of forgetting someone’s name. Often we fail to pay attention when (2)…………… (INTRODUCE) are made, but later on in the conversation we don’t want to appear (3)…………… (POLITE) by asking them what they’re called.

Fortunately, there are some simple ways you can (4)…………… (COME) this problem. One is to improve your powers of (5)…………… (OBSERVE). Practise studying faces in public places, making a mental note of physical (6)…………… (CHARACTER) such as high foreheads or narrow eyebrows. You’ll be surprised what a wide (7)…………… (VARY) of shapes and sizes people’s features have. Then, when you first meet someone, remember them as ‘Laura with the small nose’, for example.

With surnames, make (8)…………… (VISION) associations. For instance, imagine people called Cook, Ford or King making a meal, driving a car or wearing a crown, respectively. Finally, ending with the person’s name, as in ‘See you later, Max.’ is a good way of (9)…………… (SURE) that you don’t forget it.


1   embarrassment

2   introductions: a plural noun is needed. The ‘e’ is dropped, the suffix ‘tion’ and an ‘s’ are added.

3   impolite: the negative prefix ‘im’ is added.

4   overcome: ‘over’ is added to ‘come’ to form a compound verb that collocates with ‘problem’.

5   observation: a singular noun is needed. The final ‘e’ is dropped and the suffix ‘ation’ added.

6   characteristics: a noun is required. The suffix ‘istics’ is added; it must be plural because two characteristics are mentioned (‘high foreheads’ and ‘narrow eyebrows’).

7   variety: a singular noun meaning ‘range’ is needed. The ‘y’ changes to ‘i’, and the suffix ‘ety’ is added.

8   visual: an adjective is needed. To form it, ‘ion’ changes to ‘ual’.

9   ensuring: the prefix ‘en’ is added to form the verb, after a preposition, the –ing form is required, but the final ‘e’ must first be dropped.

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