1   Reading

Read the email and tick (✓) the correct answers.

1   Where does Ivan work?

      a   in a restaurant

      b   in a shop

      c   in a café

2   What time does Ivan get up?

      a   4:30 am

      b   5:30 am

      c   6:30 am

3   Ivan doesn’t work on

      a   Mondays

      b   Saturdays

      c   Sundays

4   What time does Ivan start work?

      a   5:30 am

      b   9:00 am

      c   2:00 pm

5   Ivan likes

      a   the breakfasts

      b   the sandwiches

      c   the breakfasts and the sandwiches

6   Rex goes to the café at 5:30 am because he at the café.

      a   always starts work at 6:00 am

      b   often finishes work in the morning

      c   works at the café

Hi Mum

Life here in New York is exciting!

I have a job in a café in Manhattan. I get up at half past four in the morning every day from Monday to Saturday and I work from half past five until two o’clock in the afternoon.

There are lots of people in the café from six until nine o’clock because the breakfasts here are great! I really like the breakfasts! The sandwiches are also very good and l have lunch there every day.

I have a new friend in New York. His name’s Rex and he’s a taxi driver. He often works at night and he has breakfast in the café at half past five. He always says ‘Coffee and breakfast for dinner, please!’ Then he goes home and he goes to bed!

Email me soon!




2 a   3 c   4 a   5 c   6 b

2   Writing Skills – because and also

a   Correct the mistakes.

1   Diana’s a taxi driver. Because she likes driving.

     ___Diana’s a taxi driver because she likes driving.___

2   They have breakfast at school. They have also lunch at school.


3   I study at university. I also am a waitress.


4   She gets up early. She goes also to bed early.


5   He’s a teacher because he gets up early.


6   She sometimes works at night. Because she’s a doctor.


b   Complete the sentences with also or because.

 There’s a museum in my home town. There’s ___also___ cinema.

 She speaks Japanese ________ her mum’s from Japan.

 I play football. I ________ play tennis.

 He goes to bed at 8 am ________ he works at night.

 My parents have got a cat ________ they love animals.

 I’ve got black hair. My brother’s ________ got black hair.



2   They have breakfast at school. They also have lunch at school.

3   I study at university. I am also a waitress.

4   She gets up early. She also goes to bed early.

5   He gets up early because he’s a teacher.

6   She sometimes works at night because she’s a doctor.


2 because   3 also   4 because   5 because   6 also

3   Writing

Write an email about the daily routine of one of your friends or a member of your family. Use the email in 1 to help you.


Suggested answer

My friend Alex is a football player — he plays football every day. He likes his job very much but it isn’t easy. He gets up at 6:30 every day and goes to the gym from 7:00 am until 8:00 am. He has breakfast at home. Alex starts football practice at 10:30 am. He finishes work at 12:00 pm and he has lunch at work with the other football players. He also plays football from 2:30 to 4:30 on Saturday afternoons. He doesn’t work in the evening. He usually has dinner at home but sometimes he goes to a restaurant. Alex often meets his friends and goes to the cinema.

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