1   Reading

Read three online posts about New Year and tick (✓) the correct people. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer.





1   Who had dinner in a restaurant?



2   Who had fish for dinner?




3   Who wore new clothes?




4   Who met some friends?




5   Who was with family?




6   Who watched TV?




7   Who cleaned the house?




8   Who saw fireworks?




What did you do last

New Year?

First, my sisters and I cleaned the house. Then, we went shopping for new clothes. I bought a red dress for New Year. After that, we cooked fish, vegetables and rice for the evening meal. We had a big family New Year dinner at our home with our parents and grandparents. We didn’t go out but we saw lots of fireworks near our house.

Jiang, China
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First, I went to my brother’s flat and we watched a film. We had pizza and ice cream. It was OK. Then, we went into town and met some friends. It was very cold (I only had my old black jeans and T-shirt — no coat or hat!) but we watched the fireworks for about ten minutes. After that, I went home and watched TV.

Liam, UK
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First, I had dinner in a restaurant with my friends. I had fish and it was very good. After that, we went to a party on the beach. It was great! I wore a new white dress. There were lots of people on the beach. We put flowers in the water and watched the fireworks. After that, we sat and talked until about 4:00 am.

Fernanda, Brazil
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2 Jiang, Fernanda   3 Jiang, Fernanda   4 Liam, Fernanda   5 Jiang, Liam

6 Liam   7 Jiang   8 Jiang, Liam, Fernanda

2   Writing Skills – Making the order clear

Underline the correct words to complete the online post.

What did you do on your last birthday?

I’m a doctor so I was at work in the day – but the evening was fun! (1) First that, / First, my friend Tess arrived at my house with a beautiful birthday cake. (2) After, / Then, my friend Dave phoned from New York. (3) After that, / After, I met my sister at a Chinese restaurant and we had a very good meal.

Anita, 29    1 like


For my last birthday I went to London with my friend Alan. We went on a boat on the river in the morning. It was nice but it was very cold! (4) First, / After that, we had lunch and (5) next that, / then, we went to a football match. Our team didn’t win but we had a good time anyway!

Ricky, 20    3 likes


Last year I had a really fun birthday. (6) First / Next, I had lunch with my family. (7) After then, / Then, I went shopping with my sister. I bought some clothes and a nice new watch. (8) After that, / Next time, I met my friends Iris, Calvin and Robert. We had a drink and talked all evening.

Wendy, 21    1 like


2 Then,   3 After that,   4 After that,   5 then,   

6 First,   7 Then,   8 After that,

3   Writing

What did you do last New Year? Write an online post.






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Suggested answer

Last New Year I went to two parties. First, I went to my friend Katherine’s house. It wasn’t a big party but it was very nice. I didn’t stay late because Katherine and her husband have three small children. Next, I drove to a party in a different town. The weather was very bad. It was cold, windy and very rainy. This party was big and exciting. There was lots of good food and music. At 12:00 am my friends and I went into the garden. We saw some fireworks. After that, I went home.

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