1  Match 1–6 to A–G. There is one extra option.

1   My car is so dirty at the moment.   …B

2   My phone screen is cracked.

3   I think I might need glasses.

4   I love this photo.

5   I don’t like my hair. It’s too long.

6   I can’t stand the colour of these walls.

A   You should have it cut.

B   You should get it cleaned.

C   You should get it delivered.

D   You should get it mended.

E    You should have them painted.

F    You should have your eyes tested.

G   You should get it framed.


2 D

3 F

4 G

5 A

6 E

not needed: C

2  Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1   having / I / tomorrow / my / cut / hair / am.

      ……I am having my hair cut tomorrow. ……

2   got / yesterday / Sheila / bag / her / stolen


3   has / every / Brandon / his / year / tested / eyes


4   should / mended / you / your / get / laptop


5   week / are / bathroom / next / our / decorated / having / we



 Sheila got her bag stolen yesterday.

 Brandon has his eyes tested every year.

 You should get your laptop mended.

 We are having our bathroom decorated next week.

3  Complete the sentences with the correct form of get and a person and a verb from each box.

a magician     a strong friend     an electrician

the neighbours     the teacher     your dad

to carry     to check     to collect

to come     to fix     to water

1   The light switch was broken so we ……got an electrician to fix…… it.

2   We usually …………………………………. our plants when we’re on holiday.

3   Yesterday Suzy …………………………………. some heavy boxes to the car.

4   I wasn’t sure if my exam answer was correct so I …………………………………. it.

5   I’m sure you can …………………………………. us from the party. He never minds driving.

6   For Gerry’s birthday next week we …………………………………. to the house and do tricks for the kids.


 get the neighbours to water

 got a strong friend to carry

 got the teacher to check

 get your dad to collect

 are getting/are going to get a magician to come

Complete the sentences with the correct form of have something done. Use the words in the box.

a story / publish     her nails / paint

her painting / display     my bike / fix

my blood pressure / take     our drinks / confiscate

1   I ……had my bike fixed…… but it still doesn’t work very well.

2   I …………………………. in a magazine last week. I feel so proud.

3   We …………………………. by security at the airport yesterday. They threw them away.

4   My mum …………………………. in a local gallery last year.

5   Ruth …………………………. orange last Saturday – the same colour as her bag.

6   I …………………………. when I went to the hospital. It was quite high.


 had a story published

 had our drinks confiscated

 had her painting displayed

 had her nails painted

 had my blood pressure taken

Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1   Yesterday I had stolen my phone.

      ……Yesterday I had my phone stolen. ……

2   They brought the wrong fridge so we need to get changed.


3   My uncle has just got publish his book.


4   It was difficult so I get someone to help me.


5   Wow! You have cut your hair?



2   They brought the wrong fridge so we need to get it changed.

3   My uncle has just got his book published.

4   It was difficult so I got someone to help me.

5   Wow! Have you had your hair cut?

6  Complete the story with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

be     change     come     cut

drive     give     pay     steal

You won’t believe what happened to me yesterday. I was at the hairdresser’ s, having my hair 1……cut……, and suddenly I panicked! I thought for a moment that I’d had my bag 2……………., then I remembered that I’d left my bag at home, and my keys 3……………. inside it. Luckily, my friend had a spare key, so I got her 4……………. to the hairdresser’s in her mum’s car. I also got her 5……………. for my haircut as I had no money. As a final favour, I got her 6……………. me a lift back to my house and you’ll never guess what happened next: I broke the key in the lock! We had to get a locksmith 7……………. and in the end we needed to have the lock 8……………. .


2   stolen

3   were

4   to drive

5   to pay

6   to give

7   to come

8   changed

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