Look at the pictures and read the story. Write words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2 or 3 words.

Jane doesn’t like shopping!

At the weekend, Jane’s mum said, ‘I want to go shopping. Can you help me Jane?’ ‘Yes,’ she said. Jane and her mother caught a bus to the town. Jane’s mother carried one bag and Jane carried another. The bus stopped outside a big supermarket and they went inside. Jane wasn’t very happy. She thinks shopping is boring.


      Jane and her mother went shopping ………at the weekend…….. .

      They went to town by ………bus……….. .


1   Jane carried a ………………………… for her mother.

2   They went shopping in the big ………………………… .

3   Jane doesn’t enjoy shopping because she think it’s ………………………… .

Inside the shop, Jane’s mother picked up fruit and bread but she couldn’t find any rice. But Jane found some below the pasta. Her mum was pleased. ‘Clever girl!’ she said. Then Jane’s mother wanted a bottle of lemonade. Jane went to look. The bottles were in a difficult place but Jane climbed on a big box and took one. When she jumped down again, she hurt her leg and started to cry.

4   ………………………… found the fruit and bread in the shop.

5   The rice was under ………………………… .

6   Jane climbed on a box to get a ………………………… .

7   Jane started ………………………… because she hurt her leg when she jumped down.

Jane’s mother bought Jane a pink ice cream. She sat down and ate it. She stopped crying but her leg hurt and she could only walk very slowly on it. Jane’s mother phoned home and Jane’s father came to the supermarket to drive them home. When they got back, Jane’s mother said, ‘Oh dear! I can’t take you shopping again.’
Jane smiled when she said that!

8   Jane’s mother gave Jane a ………………………… .

9   Jane could not ………………………… quickly because her leg hurt.

10   ………………………… took them home again in the car.


1 bag   2 supermarket   3 boring

4 Jane’s mother/mum   5 the/some pasta

6 bottle of lemonade   7 to cry/crying

8 (pink) ice cream   9 walk   10 Jane’s dad/father

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