Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5

For each question, choose the correct answer.

1   How will Luciana invite her friends to her birthday party?

2   What does Charlie want to borrow from his brother, James?

3   How will Carol get to her dance class?

4   Which film do they decide to watch first?

5   Which T-shirt does the girl like best?

Answer & Audioscript

1 C   2 B   3 A   4 A   5 C


1   How will Luciana invite her friends to her birthday party?

Astrid:   Luciana, are you going to email your friends to invite them to your birthday party?

Luciana:   Or do you think I should phone them? Then I can find out quickly if they can come or not.

Astrid:   You’ll need a lot of time! Your sister sent her friends invitations by post – that was nice.

Luciana:   Your first idea’s best. I’ll do that.

2   What does Charlie want to borrow from his brother, James?

Charlie:   James, I’m going to the park to meet some friends. I’m going to wear my new jeans.

James:   Cool. Do you want to borrow my trainers, the ones that are a bit small for me now?

Charlie:   Actually, I need some sunglasses … and you’ve got two pairs.

James:   OK, but make sure you bring them back.

Charlie:   OK. Thanks.

3   How will Carol get to her dance class?

Carol:   Dad, can you drive me to my dance class? It’s at six thirty.

Dad:   Oh, I won’t be back from work until about seven. Sorry, Carol.

Carol:   OK, I’ll walk there with Tessa.

Dad:   … or take the bus?

Carol:   That’s not so good for Tessa. There isn’t a bus stop near her house. Don’t worry, it’s not far.

4   Which film do they decide to watch first?

Aidan:   There are lots of good new films, like the one about a man who climbs Mount Everest.

Holly:   That sounds exciting. And there’s another new one about a dance competition.

Aidan:   Oh, yes. Or what about Zuta? It’s about life in the future.

Holly:   Let’s watch that next weekend when our cousins come. And the competition one now?

Aidan:   Yeah, I think they’ll enjoy Zuta.

5   Which T-shirt does the girl like best?

Boy:   Are you going to get that T-shirt with a picture of a surfboard on it?

Girl:   I liked that one, I saw it in the shop, but I’ve just seen one with a dolphin on it in this magazine.

Boy:   But look at this website. The T-shirt with a picture of an island’s fantastic!

Girl:   Yes, but the one in the magazine’s my favourite.

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10

For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time.

You will hear a boy leaving a message for a friend about some homework.




What to write:

(6) ………………………………

Number of words:

(7) ………………………………

Remember to add:

(8) ………………………………

Get ideas from:

(9) www. ……………………………… .com

Date to give to teacher:

(10) ………………………………

Answer & Audioscript

 story     7   250 (any convention)     8   photo(graph)

 collatra     10   22nd May (any convention)


Fabio:   Hi, it’s Fabio. Sorry you weren’t at school today. I hope you’re feeling better. I want to tell you about our homework for English.

It’s much easier than our last homework when we had to write an advertisement. This time it’s a story. We’ve got to write about a journey. Of course, it doesn’t have to be real. I’ve already started mine and I’ve written one hundred words, but actually we’ve got to write two hundred and fifty, so I have to write some more.

We have to include a photo, but we don’t have to draw a map or anything like that. If you need some ideas, look at this website: www dot collatra dot com. That’s C-O-double L-A-T-R-A. OK?

One last thing, the date we’ve got to give it to the teacher. Let me look, I wrote it down. Yeah, the twenty-second of May. That’s good because it’s before my birthday on the twenty-fifth, so I’ll have no homework on my birthday!

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear Dan talking to a shop assistant in a sports shop.

11   Dan thinks plastic skateboards are

        A   cheap.

        B   popular.

        C   light.

12   What colour skateboard does Dan prefer?

        A   purple

        B   yellow

        C   grey

13   The shop assistant says the best skateboard for Dan is about

        A   16 cm wide.

        B   18 cm wide.

        C   20 cm wide.

14   What free gift can Dan get from the shop?

        A   a backpack

        B   some gloves

        C   a scarf

15   When will Dan buy a skateboard?

        A   on Wednesday

        B   on Friday

        C   on Saturday

Answer & Audioscript

11 B   12 C   13 A   14 B   15 B


Dan:   Can you help me? I’d like to find out about buying a skateboard.

Man:   Do you want one made of wood or plastic?

Dan:   Plastic. I know they aren’t always cheap, but all my friends have plastic ones. My brother’s plastic board has strong, heavy wheels.

Man:   OK. What colour would you like?

Dan:   Those purple ones look great and the yellows are fun, buy grey’s a better colour for me.

Man:   Good. Now let’s think about how wide your skateboard should be. It’s actually in centremetres. Are you a beginner?

Dan:   Yes.

Man:   The widest ones, twenty centimetres, are best for advanced skateboarders. Then there’s eighteen centimetre ones, but for people who are new to the sport sixteen’s good.

Dan:   OK. On the poster on the wall, it says there’s a free gift this month. What is it?

Man:   The poster next to the backpacks? Yes, we can give you a pair of gloves.

Dan:   I like those scarves, too. I’ll have to come with my dad to buy my skateboard.

Man:   Good idea. Remember the store isn’t open on a Wednesday.

Dan:   I think my dad’s busy on Saturday, so we’ll come on Friday.

Man:   Fine

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20

For each question, choose the correct answer.

16   You will hear two friends talking about eating healthy food.

        Why are they talking about eating healthy food?

        A   They’ve just read about it.

        B   They’ve just watched a video about it.

        C   They’ve just listened to a talk about it.

17   You will hear a boy talking about his history project.

        Who gave him some information about it?

        A   a person who works as a guide

        B   a woman who lives near him

        C   a teacher he knows

18   You will hear a girl talking about her clothes.

        Why does she want to buy some new clothes?

        A   to look nice at a party

        B   to go on holiday

        C   to play a new sport

19   You will hear a teacher talking about a problem.

        Where is there a problem?

        A   in the playground

        B   in the sports hall

        C   in the cafeteria

20   You will hear a brother and sister talking about their pet rabbit.

        What don’t they like about having pets?

        A   talking to them

        B   brushing them

        C   giving them food

Answer & Audioscript

16 C   17 A   18 C   19 B   20 B


16   You will hear two friends talking about eating healthy food. Why are they talking about eating healthy food?

Girl:   I like fried food, but when that doctor came into our biology lesson and explained about our hearts, I decided to eat more salads.

Boy:   Yes, he said most people don’t eat enough fresh food.

Girl:   We’re going to do the chapter in our textbook about healthy foods next lesson.

Boy:   Instead of watching that video about cooking tasty, healthy food?

Girl:   Yes.

17   You will hear a boy talking about his history project. Who gave him some information about it?

Boy:   I’ve finished my history project! My neighbour, Mrs Ashton, is eighty years old, so I wanted to ask her about my project, but she’s gone to the USA to visit her grandchildren. So I went and joined a group going round the museum. I asked the group leader loads of questions, and I found out everything I wanted to know!

18   You will hear a girl talking about her clothes. Why does she want to buy some new clothes?

Girl:   We stayed in a hotel near the beach this summer and there was a skateboard park. Some other kids there lent me their board and showed me how to skate. I’d really like to do that as a hobby, but I need some gloves. They’re important so that you don’t hurt yourself. I’m getting some special ones for my birthday.

19   You will hear a teacher talking about a problem. Where is there a problem?

Girl:   Before you go and have your lunch break, can I just tell you that a pipe has broken, and there’s water coming out of it. You won’t be able to have your volleyball match inside today because there’s water all over the court. You’ll have to play outside, but I’m sure that’ll be fine.   

20   You will hear a brother and sister talking about their pet rabbit. What don’t they like about having pets?

Boy:   Have you given our rabbit something to eat this morning?

Girl:   Yes, little Doris seemed very hungry. She was making funny little noises, just like she was trying to say something to me.

Boy:   Yeah, she does that when I’m getting the dirt out of her fur. There are hairs everywhere after that. It’s horrible.

Girl:   I hate that, too. 

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25

For each question, choose the correct answer.

You will hear a boy talking to a classmate about the things he is going to do next week. What is he going to do on each day?


0     Monday        C


Things to do

21   Tuesday       ……

22   weekend      ……

23   Wednesday ……

24   Thursday      ……

25   Friday           ……

A   finish a school project

B   go on a trip

C   go to a party

D   help a neighbour

 make a meal

 send emails

G   take money to school

H   visit the city library

Answer & Audioscript

21 G   22 B   23 A   24 D   25 E


Girl:   Hi, are you doing anything special this week?

Boy:   Yes, on Monday, my cousin will be fifteen and he’s having his party then. I bought him a T-shirt as a present.

Girl:   That’s a good way to start the week. What are you doing on Tuesday?

Boy:   I’ve got to remember to take fifty-five pounds to school to pay for the weekend trip. Did you get an email about that?

Girl:   Yes. It’ll be great. Are you going to the city library on Wednesday? You did last week.

Boy:   I don’t need to. I’ve got all the information I need for my project on dinosaurs, and I’m going to do the rest of it at home on Wednesday.

Girl:   Is Thursday busy?

Boy:   Yes, Mrs Brown, who lives next door, wants me to do some work in her garden. I love that! She grows lots of fruit and vegetables.

Girl:   Oh, yes, you did some shopping for her once.

Boy:   And on Friday, I’m going to cook supper for me and Mum. Dad’s playing tennis with another neighbour, and then they’re going to a meeting or something.

Girl:   Oh!

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