Listening Part 1
Questions 1-7
For each question, choose the correct answer.

2 What present will they take?

3 What will the woman eat tonight?

4 How much will the girl’s ticket cost?

5 What is the grandmother’s job now?

6 Which button has the boy lost?

7 What will the man do first?

Answer & Audioscript
1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 A 7 A
1 What did the thieves steal?
Woman: What exactly is missing, sir?
Man: I thought the thieves had taken the television set, because it wasn’t in its usual place in the dining room. Then I went to check my CD player and CDs – I keep them on an antique chest of drawers. All the CDs were on the floor with the CD player. But the chest had completely disappeared. It wasn’t in the garden either, which is where I found the television.
Woman: Right sir. Well, can you give me a detailed description of it?
2 What present will they take?
Woman: We ought to take a present if we’re staying for the weekend.
Man: Let’s get something a bit different. People always take flowers and it’s rather hot for chocolates. What about something for the children, like a DVD? Or … some unbreakable glasses they can all use outside or on picnics?
Woman: Good idea. And let’s get a jug to go with them. The children have probably got lots of DVDs.
3 What will the woman eat tonight?
Man: Hotel York.
Woman: Hello, I’m staying in your hotel tonight, and I’m arriving quite late, about ten thirty. Will there be any food available in the hotel?
Man: I’m afraid the restaurant closes at ten o’clock, but the bar does burgers and chips until midnight. And there’s always the pizza place opposite which stays open late. Or we can bring sandwiches to your room if you prefer.
Woman: Fine. I won’t want to eat burgers or pizza at that time of night.
4 How much will the girl’s ticket cost?
Woman: I’m travelling from Banbury to Witney tomorrow, and I need to be there about ten in the morning. Can you tell me when the trains leave, and how much a single ticket is?
Man: The eight thirty-five train gets in at nine forty. That’s twelve pounds sixty-five for a single. The train after that leaves at nine ten and arrives at ten fifteen. That costs less because you’re travelling after nine. The fare is ten pounds forty-five.
Woman: I’ll take the second train. Just after ten is fine. Thanks.
5 What is the grandmother’s job now?
Woman: My grandmother always wanted to be a teacher when she was a little girl, but she had to leave school when she was fourteen and help her mother clean offices and shops. When she was in her thirties she went to college, but she had to work as a waitress in the evenings to pay for her studies. A few years later she finally got the job she’d always wanted and she’s done it ever since.
6 Which button has the boy lost?
Boy: I’ve lost a button on my favourite shirt. I could see that it was loose when I put it on last night. If it was the one on my pocket you wouldn’t notice, but on the collar it’s different. It’s easy to see that it’s missing from there.
Woman: Why don’t you take one off your sleeve and use that. Here, you’ll need some scissors. Be careful you don’t cut the material.
Boy: Okay, will you sew it on for me?
Woman: Do it yourself! It’s easy.
7 What will the man do first?
Man: Before we start painting I’ll wash the kitchen floor because it’s really dirty.
Woman: It’ll be easier if you sweep it before you do that, Nick. I’ll carry on cleaning the windows.
Man: OK, and then we can start painting the walls.
Listening Part 2
Questions 8-13
You will hear Sarah Brown talking about her work as a television weather forecaster.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
8 How long has Sarah worked as a weather forecaster?
A two years
B seven years
C thirty years
9 What does Sarah say about her job?
A She sometimes has to work at night.
B She enjoys getting up early.
C She works ten or twelve hours a day.
10 When Sarah does a weather forecast,
A she prepares it in advance.
B she sometimes forgets her words.
C she worries about making a mistake.
11 Sarah’s husband
A works on the same days each week.
B wants to move nearer his work.
C spends a lot of time travelling.
12 Sarah is pleased because she
A has got her pilot’s licence.
B taught her husband to play tennis.
C took part in a long race.
13 A man in India wanted
A to meet Sarah’s family.
B a photo of Sarah.
C to receive a letter from Sarah.
Answer & Audioscript
8 A 9 A 10 A 11 C 12 C 13 B
Woman: Hello, I’m Sarah Brown, and I’m here to tell you about my job as a weather forecaster.
I’ve been a weather forecaster for a television company for seven years, and two years ago I became the head of the weather department. Now, I divide my time equally between presenting weather forecasting on television and managing the weather department which has a staff of eleven. At thirty years old I’m the youngest ever head of weather and the first woman to do the job.
Since our news and weather service goes out all round the world, we all take turns to work at night. I prefer that to doing the show when I have to get up at four in the morning. I normal work an eight-hour day and in that time I do ten or twelve forecasts.
Before doing a weather forecast, I study data on the computer. This is the information I use in my forecasts. There isn’t much time to learn what I have to say, but fortunately I’ve never forgotten my words so I don’t get nervous.
My husband and I try to have the same free days, but neither of us has a regular pattern of work. He’s a pilot on long-distance flights, so although he works hard he has a lot more time at home than I do. We moved to our present house about a year ago, and he’s enjoying painting it.
I took up flying as a hobby five years ago. I hope to get my pilot’s licence this year, but because of the job, I haven’t been to the flying school for ages. For exercise I swim and ski and I like running. I’m really proud of myself for running in the London Marathon – it’s a forty-kilometre race and I never thought I could manage it! My husband plays tennis, and we sometimes play together, but he’s better than me so I never win.
Because I’m on world news, people sometimes recognise me in really distant places. Once, in an Indian village, and old man took me to have my photo taken with all his family. I get some lovely letters – one person wrote to say that my smile made her feel happy all day. People occasionally even write and ask me to marry them!
Listening Part 3
Questions 14-19
You will hear a radio talk about holidays in Northumberland.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Holidays in Northumberland
Useful Information
● Read Peter Green’s book called ‘(14) ……………………… around Northumberland’.
● Lots of things to see, for example (15) ……………………… .
● Accommodation in flats, hotels, cottages or bed and breakfast places.
● Best time to go is (16) ……………………… .
Bike Hire
● One week – £35
● Two weeks – (17) £ ………………………
Local Events
● June – Food Festival
● August – International Festival of (18) ………………………
National Park Activities
● Guided walks
● Photography
● (19) ………………………
Answer & Audioscript
14 C/cycling
15 (a) C/castles (s)
16 (in the) S/spring (time)
17 (£) 55
18 M/music
19 B/bird(s) watching
Man: Good morning! This morning on ‘Holiday Time’ I want to tell you about the cycling trip I took recently to Northumberland in the north of England. Before I went I read a book by Peter Green whose title is Cycling around Northumberland, which I found really useful when planning my route.
Northumberland is a beautiful area of England and perfect for cycling. There is very little traffic on the roads and plenty to see and do. For example, why not visit a castle? More of them are open to the public here than in any other part of the country. While I was there I actually stayed in a flat in a castle, but there are many hotels, cottages or bed and breakfast places to choose from. In the summer it is important to book in advance, but I recommend going in the spring, as it is not so difficult to find somewhere to stay at that time of the year. You will find that some places are closed in winter.
Most of the small towns in the area have cycling centres where you can hire a bicycle. A week’s hire will cost thirty-five pounds, two weeks will be fifty-five pounds. There is also a deposit of fifty pounds, which you get back when you return the bicycle.
Try to plan your holiday when there is a local event or festival happening. I went in June and was lucky enough to go to a festival of local food. Every August there’s an international festival of music, but you’ll find something going on in almost every month of the year.
Ring the Northumberland National Park if you’re interested in finding out about their activities – they have a programme of guided walks, photography and bird watching. Ring them on double eight double 0 four six.
Listening Part 4
Questions 20-25
You will hear a conversation between a girl called Julia and her father, about choosing a course at university.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the letter B for NO.
B NO |
20 Julia wants to choose a course as soon as possible. |
A |
B |
21 Julia’s father thinks that studying business may be boring. |
A |
B |
22 Julia’s father believes Julia’s friend is making the wrong choice. |
A |
B |
23 Julia’s father thinks she might find studying business too difficult. |
A |
B |
24 Julia is confident about her maths. |
A |
B |
25 Julia is keen to consider her father’s suggestion. |
A |
B |
Answer & Audioscript
20 B 21 B 22 A 23 B 24 A 25 A
Dad: So you’d better decide which university course you’re going to do, Julia. You really can’t delay this much longer.
Julia: But I’m in no hurry, Dad. It’s ages before I have to decide. The main problem is that I know I’d really love to do business studies, but a lot of my friends say it sounds so boring, especially my friend Anna.
Dad: What’s she going to study?
Julia: Film studies. It does look exciting in comparison.
Dad: I can see that business studies might sound dull to your friends, Julia, but you know that’s far from the truth.
Julia: I know.
Dad: And don’t forget that will business knowledge, you might find it much easier to get a job at the end of your degree. I’m sure your friend Anna will enjoy doing film studies, and if she’s lucky, she’ll get a job she enjoys. But there aren’t many jobs in the film industry, so if I were her, I’d took for a different course.
Julia: You’re probably right, but it is what Anna wants to do. Oh, I find it really difficult to decide. You don’t think that business studies will be a bit too hard for me, do you?
Dad: Of course not!
Julia: And did I tell you? Jim Brooks said he’d employ me in their accounts department in the summer holidays if I chose business. I told him I really like working with numbers and of course, I always got good marks in maths at school – not like French, which I never did well in.
Dad: Well, what about considering economics? That might interest you more and you might find a job working for an international bank or something.
Julia: I’d never have thought of that, Dad. No one at college has ever suggested economics. I’ll go and look up some information on the Internet right away. You’re such a help. Thanks.
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