Listening Part 1
Questions 1-7
For each question, choose the correct answer.

2 What can festival visitors see every day?

3 What souvenir will the boy’s mother bring?

4 What time is the woman’s hair appointment?

5 Where’s the TV guide?

6 What does the man decide to take Tracy?

7 Which sport has the man just started?

Answer & Audioscript
1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 C
1 Where will the woman go first after work?
Man: Are you and Sarah going straight to the restaurant from work tonight?
Woman: Actually, I’m leaving work early because I need to do some shopping in the market, and I’m going to meet Sarah after that outside the cinema. She doesn’t know where the restaurant is, you see. You’re playing tennis after work, aren’t you?
Man: Yes. So I’ll see you at the restaurant.
2 What can festival visitors see every day?
Woman: The Arts Centre in London is holding a festival of Irish culture from the 4th to 12th of April. An exhibition of paintings is open daily and on some weekday evenings the Theatre has special events including plays and films. At the weekend, concerts of Irish music will take place in the Town Hall.
3 What souvenir will the boy’s mother bring?
Woman: What colour T-shirt shall I bring you from New York, Fred?
Boy: I’d prefer black out … actually a baseball cap would be a good idea.
Woman: Mmm. Or what about another model car for your collection? I could get you a New York taxi.
Boy: Great. I really liked the sports car you bought me last time.
4 What time is the woman’s hair appointment?
Woman 1: I’d like to make an appointment to have my hair cut please. This Friday or Saturday in the morning if you can manage it.
Woman 2: Let me see … we can do Friday at 10.00 or 11.30, then on Saturday there’s 9.30 or 12 o’clock.
Woman 1: I’ll take the earlier one on Saturday please.
5 Where’s the TV guide?
Woman: Have you seen the TV guide?
Boy: Isn’t it on top of the television? I had it when I was watching the film last night.
Woman: I expect you left it by your chair then. Here it is under the cushion where nobody can find it. You should put it back in its place by the telephone. Then we’d all know where it is.
6 What does the man decide to take Tracy?
Man: I’m going to see Tracy in hospital, but I can’t think of what to take her. People always take flowers …
Woman: … so she’ll have lots already for sure. I always think it’s nice to have something to read myself, but as Tracy’s got her Walkman with her, what about something to listen to?
Man: What a good idea. It’s better than taking sweets, certainly, because I know she’s on a special diet while she is in hospital.
7 Which sport has the man just started?
Woman: Hi, how was your holiday?
Man: Great, really good windsurfing and sailing – you know how much I enjoy them. And horse-riding … I really want to go again now I’ve tried it. And the swimming pool was wonderful too – much warmer than the one I usually swim in … holidays are just too short!
Listening Part 2
Questions 8-13
You will hear a man called John Dalin talking about the travel programmes he makes for television.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
8 For his most recent television programme, John
A drove from the North to the South Pole.
B filmed relaxing beach holidays.
C went to the Pacific Ocean for a year.
9 John is giving up very long trips because
A he’s too old now.
B he’s been everywhere.
C they’re too tiring.
10 John says his next television series might be about
A farms in Scotland.
B old ruins in Wales.
C cycling tours in France.
11 John wants to encourage other people to
A be brave about travelling to new places.
B lose their fear of flying.
C make some trip alone.
12 Why does John want to spend more time near home?
A His family might need him.
B His wife misses him.
C He was very young children.
13 John has already written some
A newspaper articles.
B travel books.
C poems.
Answer & Audioscript
8 C 9 C 10 B 11 A 12 A 13 B
Man: People always ask me why I only travel the hard way! A lot of television travel programmes are about relaxing holidays on the beach, but I’ve only ever made documentaries about really long trips. The last trip I did was a 50,000-mile journey around the Pacific Ocean, and it took 12 months. But then my very first trip was a ‘round the world’ journey, and the most difficult one was probably a car journey from the North Pole to the South Pole!
As you can imagine, I’ve seen a lot of the world! I’m lucky to be in really excellent health, but life is very short and I’ve done so much travelling that I want a change. Travelling long distances makes you extremely tired, and although it’s still a great pleasure for me, I want to so something more relaxing now.
I think my next television series might be made nearer England. There’s some really interesting work going on in Wales, where they’ve just found what remains of a 2,000-year-old town. Or I might do something about farms in France, or even cycling in Holland. There’s always something to film if you look hard enough!
But I hope the programmes I’ve made about the really long trips will encourage other people to get on a plane and have some adventures. Some people seem to be afraid of going to a strange country and perhaps being ill there, but maybe they realise now that if I can do these trips, so can they. I’m only a very ordinary person. And obviously, you don’t have to travel on your own as I always have.
I must say that until recently I hadn’t ever worried about being so far from home even when the children were very small. But while I was filming in Borneo last year my wife had to have an emergency operation, and it really frightened me because I couldn’t get back to England. Everything was fine in the end – but I wouldn’t want to be so far away if anything like that happened to my family again.
Perhaps if I spend more time at home I can do more writing. I’ve done two books so far. I write about places I’ve seen and my feelings about them. I don’t think I’ll ever write fiction or poetry, but I’d be interested in writing newspaper articles. My family says I’m very difficult to live with when I’m writing at home … perhaps that’s why they’ve never complained about me travelling!
Listening Part 3
Questions 14-19
You will hear a woman talking on the radio about an exhibition of food and cooking.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
The Good Food Show
at the Capital Exhibition Centre
At the show, you can
● buy Jane Adams’ new book about making (14) ………………………
● get advice about buying (15) ………………………
● watch how to cook a lunch just with (16) ………………………
● learn how to make a dessert in less than (17) ………………………
● taste food from many different countries – the food from (18) ……………………… is specially recommended.
The show finishes on (19) ……………………… .
Answer & Audioscript
14 cakes
15 (fresh) fish
16 vegetables
17 15/fifteen minutes
18 Canada
19 23 March
Woman: Today, I want to tell you about the Good Food Show at the Capital Exhibition Centre. There are more than 300 stands at the exhibition. I really enjoyed my visit.
First I looked at the books on sale. Jane Adams, the famous television cook, was there signing copies of her latest book. It’s about making cakes so I had to have it! My family loves sweet things and I really liked her last book about making bread. There’s a different famous cook there every day signing books and talking to people.
In fact, there’s advice on all sorts of topics. I listened to someone from the centra market talking about what you should look for when you buy fish. I’ve always been nervous about buying it, because how can you tell if it’s really fresh? Well, I think I’ve got a better idea now.
Then, in the exhibition theatre, I saw a cook prepare a healthy but tasty lunch using only vegetables! They will prepare a different dish every day. Also in the theatre, at 2 o’clock every day, a cook talks about preparing delicious desserts in under 15 minutes. I tasted one made with chocolate and it was out of this world!
At the show, you can try food from all around the world, from Chile to China, and I did! I enjoyed the food from Canada most of all, although everything I tasted was really good.
The exhibition centre is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday to Saturday and from 10 until 6 on Sundays. But hurry, because the last day is the 23rd of March when the Good Food Show has to make way for the Boat Show. For more details, phone …
Listening Part 4
Questions 20-25
You will hear a conversation between a teenage girl called Anna and her father about a party.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the letter B for NO.
B NO |
20 Anna begins by asking her father to collect her from the party. |
A |
B |
21 The party is to celebrate Tom’s birthday. |
A |
B |
22 Some of Tom’s relations will be at the party. |
A |
B |
23 Anna’s father is worried about her attending the party. |
A |
B |
24 Anna’s father will take them to the party before the film starts. |
A |
B |
25 Anna’s father insists that she leaves the party at 12.00. |
A |
B |
Answer & Audioscript
20 B 21 B 22 A 23 B 24 B 25 A
Girl: Are you busy Dad? I’ve got something I want to ask you. I’ve been invited to a party on Saturday. Would you give me a lift there?
Man: Where is the party then?
Girl: It’s at Tom’s house. His sister is 18 on Saturday, and they’re having a big celebration. It’s going to be brilliant. They’re having a disco and Tom’s Mum’s a wonderful cook, so the food will be good. They’ve invited all their friends from school but their cousins will be there too.
Man: Well, I hope the weather stays warm so you can be outside. It sounds as if a lot of people are coming. But it all sounds fine to me. It’ll be nice for you to go out at the weekend. You spend too much time at home studying. Now, what time does the party start and what time does it finish?
Girl: It starts at eight o’clock and finishes about half past twelve. But Jane’s going as well, and her Dad will collect us and bring us home afterwards. It’s all arranged.
Man: Mmm … it’ll be difficult for us to take you. Mum and I are going to see a film which starts at 7.15. Let’s see. Why don’t we collect you and jane at the end of the party? Then you could ask Jane’s Dad to take you both to the party at eight.
Girl: I’m sure that’ll be fine. I’ll go and give Jane a ring.
Man: Just one thing though – we’ll pick you up at 11.30. I really think that’s late enough.
Girl: Oh Dad! That’s so early. Remember we don’t have to go to school on Sunday! Don’t make us leave an hour before everyone else.
Man: Well, I suppose it is the weekend. Let’s say midnight. But definitely no later.
Girl: But …
Man: That’s my final decision! Now go and ring Jane before I change my mind!
Girl: Okay.
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