Listening Part 1
Questions 1-7
For each question, choose the correct answer.

2 What will they buy at the supermarket?

3 Which T-shirt does the woman buy?

4 What will the girl take with her on holiday?

5 Which exercise is the teacher describing?

6 What time will the train to London leave?

7 Which sport will the boy do soon at the centre?

Answer & Audioscript
1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 A 6 C 7 C
1 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
Man: And now for the weather. As we go through today, the temperature will slowly rise, and the snow we’ve had for the last few days will disappear by the end of the afternoon. Tomorrow we can expect some rain, but by the end of the week, some sunny weather is likely.
2 What will they buy at the supermarket?
Woman: Look, Kate, there are some of those biscuits you like!
Girl: Oh, yes. Mmm … they’re a bit expensive, though, Mum. Why don’t we have this cake instead? Remember we’ve got guests coming tomorrow.
Woman: Oh, I haven’t forgotten. I’ve already made a cake, and I’ve bought lots of ice cream for the children.
Girl: Well, I suppose the biscuits would be nice with ice cream. Let’s see … oh, good. I’ve got enough money in my purse.
3 Which T-shirt does the woman buy?
Woman: I’d like to buy a white T-shirt with short sleeves, please. Large size.
Man: I’m afraid the white ones have long sleeves, but we’ve got short sleeves in the darker colours. Do you want a round neck or a V-neck?
Woman: It must be round neck. Let me think … umm, OK, I’ll take one of the short-sleeved ones – the colour’s not so important really.
4 What will the girl take with her on holiday?
Man: Have you packed for your holiday?
Woman: No, I need to go shopping before I can do that. Last holiday, my suitcase handle got broken, so I need something that’s better quality this time. But suitcases are so heavy to carry.
Man: I always take a big sports bag – it’s light, and not expensive, so it doesn’t matter if it gets torn.
Woman: Yes, I thought about one of those, but you need something stronger when it’s going on a plane. I’ll get something I can put on my back – you can carry more that way.
5 Which exercise is the teacher describing?
Woman: OK everybody. This next exercise is a bit difficult, but it’s really good for your legs. All you do is put your back against the wall … place your feet about half a metre away from the wall … move your back down the wall, so your knees are bent at 90 degrees. Now put your hands out straight in front of you … right … make sure your head is against the wall. Now, see how long you can stay like that! If you do two minutes, you’re doing well.
6 What time will the train to London leave?
Man: The train arriving at platform six is the 4.45 from London. The train due to arrive at platform tour in approximately five minutes is the delayed 4.30 train to London. This train will now depart at 4.50 and travel non-stop. We apologise to passengers for the delay. Refreshments will not be available on this train.
7 Which sport will the boy do soon at the centre?
Boy: Have you been to the new watersports centre yet?
Girl: Oh yes, it’s brilliant. There are two indoor pools, one for diving and one for swimming, and you can also have sailing lessons on the lake.
Boy: That’s what I’m doing there next weekend, actually. I was hoping to take windsurfing lessons, but the leaflet says they’re not starting those until next year.
Listening Part 2
Questions 8-13
You will hear an interview with a woman called Rachel who is talking about the shows she puts on for children.
For each question, choose the correct answer.
8 Before her children were born, Rachel worked as
A an art teacher.
B a painter.
C an actor.
9 Who first thought of doing a show at a party?
A Rachel’s husband
B Rachel’s children
C Rachel’s parents
10 Rachel’s neighbour, Lena, helps by
A making some dolls for the shows.
B performing in the shows.
C writing the music for the shows.
11 When Rachel did a play about a lion
A the children laughed too much.
B the children were frightened.
C the children’s parents complained.
12 How do Rachel’s daughters help her?
A They show new dolls to their school friends.
B They think of ideas for new stories.
C They give her their opinions on her new plays.
13 Rachel thinks her shows are successful because
A she enjoys doing them so much.
B she does a show daily.
C they are suitable.
Answer & Audioscript
8 B 9 A 10 B 11 B 12 C 13 A
Man: Rachel, tell us how your shows for children started. You studied art at college, didn’t you?
Woman: That’s right. But I gave up my career as an artist when my twin daughters were born. Painting took up too much time when I was looking after them. I thought about teaching art classes part-time, but instead I started making dolls for my daughters. I love acting, so I often invented little plays for the dolls, doing the voices myself.
Man: And when did you start doing shows for other people?
Woman: When our daughters were five, my husband suggested using the dolls to entertain the children at their birthday party. I wrote a little show and he built a dolls’ theatre. My daughters and their friends loved it. As a result, other parents asked me to come and do the show at their children’s parties. That’s how it all began.
Man: It must be a lot of work for you?
Woman: Yes. I love making the dolls, but I decided that I needed someone to help me with the shows. Luckily my neighbour, Lena, was keen to perform with me. Her husband records the music to go with the shows. It would be impossible to do everything on my own.
Man: Have you ever had any problems?
Woman: Only once. I did a show for a group of three-year-olds, and I’d written a story about a lion. Unfortunately, the children were really afraid of the lion and started crying. I was worried the parents might complain, but luckily they were all able to laugh about it afterwards.
Man: And what did you learn from that?
Woman: The experience taught me that I had to find out beforehand just what children enjoy. Like me, Lena has two daughters, so whenever we’ve invented a new story, we show it to our four girls first. They always tell us exactly what they think of it. And sometimes I take new dolls to the local primary school to check that children like them.
Man: And the shows continue to be successful?
Woman: They do. I have a range of different shows for five to nine-year-olds. In fact, the shows have become so successful I could do one every day, but I don’t want to do that. The reason the shows have become popular, I think, is because I love every minute of every show, and so other people love them too. I certainly didn’t realise when I organised that birthday party for my daughters all those years ago that it would change my life so much!
Listening Part 3
Questions 14-19
You will hear a telephone message about a Business Studies course.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Business Studies Course
Course start date: (14) ……………………..
Course begins with: (15) …………………….. about business
What students mustn’t bring to class: (16) ……………………..
Visitors’ car park: next to the (17) ……………………..
Languages classes available: Spanish and (18) ……………………..
Name of Business Studies secretary: Sonia (19) ……………………..
Answer & Audioscript
14 12(th) (of) June
15 video / film
16 (mobile) phone
17 entrance
18 Italian
19 Ashleigh
Woman: Hello, this is Greenhill College. I’m leaving this message in answer to your enquiry about the Business Studies course. Firstly, you asked when the course starts. It begins on the 12th of June, and finishes four weeks later on the 7th of July. According to your letter, you’re free at this time, so I hope those dates will be all right.
At the beginning of the course, there are no lectures because we spend time watching business videos. So you won’t need to bring anything for the class, as everything is provided. Don’t forget, however, that although you can bring your own laptop if you wish, mobile phones are not allowed in the classroom. I’m afraid these can disturb the classes, so they’ve now been banned.
You said you’re coming by car. Well, as it’s only a short course, you can use the visitor’s car park which is just beside the main entrance. We’re only a short walk away. Just turn right after the science and technology centre, cross the staff car park, and you’ll see the door to the Business Studies Department in front of you.
Finally, you also wanted to know if it’s possible to attend a language course while you are here. Well, the answer is yes, but we only have room on our Italians classes. On, no actually … there’s one place on the Spanish course too. We usually offer French and Japanese as well, but there aren’t enough students for those classes this summer.
So, I think that’s all. But if you need to ask any further questions, please call Sonia Ashleigh – that’s spelt A-S-H-L-E-I-G-H. She’s the secretary in the Business Studies department, and she’ll be happy to help. Thank you for your enquiry.
Listening Part 4
Questions 20-25
You will hear a conversation between a student called Peter, and his father, about their plans for the summer.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the letter B for NO.
B NO |
20 Peter’s mother is planning to go to Scotland. |
A |
B |
21 Peter’s father hopes to have an active holiday. |
A |
B |
22 Peter’s father thinks Peter should have a holiday before starting work. |
A |
B |
23 Peter’s father will pay for everything at the campsite. |
A |
B |
24 Peter has met Jim’s son more than once. |
A |
B |
25 Peter suggests everyone could meet before the trip to Scotland. |
A |
B |
Answer & Audioscript
20 B 21 A 22 A 23 B 24 B 25 A
Man: Hi Peter. I wanted to ask you something. Do you know when your summer holidays start?
Boy: It’s the middle of June, about the 13th I think. Why?
Man: Well, you know when Mum goes on her painting course in France the week of the 16th … I’ve decided to go to Scotland.
Boy: Yeah?
Man: A friend of mine called Jim has asked if I want to go with him and spend a week camping there … we’ll do lots of hill walking and climbing …
Boy: Sounds great. Go for it Dad! I suppose you want me to stay and look after the house, don’t you?
Man: Well actually, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me … Jim has got a son your age, and he’s coming too … I thought you might enjoy going off and doing a few things together … and it would be good to have a proper break before you start your summer job.
Boy: Oh, I see – that’s a great idea Dad … I’d love to come … but I really don’t have the money for a holiday.
Man: Well. It won’t cost much. I’ll drive us up to Scotland. The campsite belongs to a friend of Jim’s, so that won’t cost anything … and of course Jim and I will pay for food and drink and things like that.
Boy: In that case, I’d love to come. Have you ever met Jim’s son?
Man: Oh yes, several times, when he was a bit younger.
Boy: What’s he like?
Man: He’s very similar to Jim – easy to get on with, enjoys sport and good food … I’m sure you’ll find plenty to talk about.
Boy: Perhaps we could all get together some time soon … you know, have a chat and plan a few things …
Man: We could try, but it might be difficult. Jim’s job takes him all over the world, but let’s ask. Shall I phone him tonight?
Boy: Good idea. Catch you later, Dad.
Man: Okay then.
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