Listening 1

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript

Lines should be drawn between:

1   Emma and the girl standing by a rock, waving

2   Richard and the boy having his photo taken, holding an ice cream

3   Betty and the girl playing with sand, with a flag

4   William and the boy holding a duck, wearing spotted shorts

5   Katy and the girl in a blue sweater, holding a camera


GIRL:   I had lots of fun with my friends on Sunday, Uncle Robert. Look at this photo!

MAN:   Wow, what a nice beach! It looks very sunny there.

GIRL:   It was. Can you see Jim? The boy with blond hair in the water?

MAN:   Yes.

GIRL:   He swam all the way to that island!


MAN:   Who’s that girl?

GIRL:   The girl who’s waving by the rocks?

MAN:   Yes.

GIRL:   Oh, that’s Emma. We saw lots of little fish in the water there.


MAN:   And what about that boy there? Who’s he?

GIRL:   In the sailing boat?

MAN:   No, the one with the ice cream. He’s standing next to the girl in the purple T-shirt.

GIRL:   Oh, you mean Richard. He’s in my class. I like him a lot.


GIRL:   And there’s Betty. She’s my very best friend.

MAN:   The girl with the comic?

GIRL:   No, I mean the girl who’s playing. She’s just put that little flag in the sand.

MAN:   Oh, yes.


MAN:   Did you go swimming that day?

GIRL:   No. The water was too cold for me. But William did. Can you see him?

MAN:   Is that the boy with the duck?

GIRL:   Yes, in spotted shorts. He’s not in the water here, but he went swimming later.

MAN:   Oh.


GIRL:   Katy’s smiling here, but she didn’t have a very good day.

MAN:   Which one’s she?

GIRL:   There … in the blue sweater … with the camera, but she lost it in the afternoon. She went in the sea with it and dropped it.

MAN:   Oh dear!

GIRL:   Mmm … but her dad’s going to buy her a new one.

MAN:   Well, that’s good …

Listening 2

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript

Lines should be drawn between:

1   Emma and the girl who’s whispering, brushing her hair

2   Harry and the boy skating

3   Vicky and the woman by the swans, reading a newspaper

4   Michael and the boy in the black jacket, skipping

5   Katy and the girl in yellow shorts, playing with the dog


GIRL:   We went to the park today, Grandpa. We had a nice time there. Look!

MAN:   Oh, yes. Who’s that? The person who’s lying on the grass.

GIRL:   That’s Richard. He’s one of Dad’s friends.

MAN:   Why is his hat on his face like that?

GIRL:   Because it was very sunny.


MAN:   Who’s that girl? The one who’s whispering to her friend?

GIRL:   The one who’s brushing her hair? Oh, that’s Emma. She’s got a secret!

MAN:   What is it?

GIRL:   I can’t tell you, Grandpa! She’s one of my best friends!


GIRL:   There’s Harry. He came with us too. He lives in the house that’s next to ours.

MAN:   Is that the boy on the swing?

GIRL:   No, the one with the skates on. He can go so fast on his skates!

MAN:   Does he ever fall over?

GIRL:   Sometimes.


GIRL:   Mum’s friend, Vicky, came too. She’s there by the swans.

MAN:   The woman who’s reading a newspaper?

GIRL:   Yes. It was about the queen and her family.

MAN:   Oh!

GIRL:   She said it was interesting …


MAN:   And who’s the boy in the black jacket?

GIRL:   You mean Michael! The boy who’s skipping?

MAN:   Yes. Why’s he doing that?

GIRL:   Because your legs get stronger if you do that.

MAN:   I must remember that!


GIRL:   And another friend of mine, Katy, was there when we arrived.

MAN:   The girl in the yellow dress?

GIRL:   No, that’s her sister. My friend’s got yellow shorts on.

MAN:   And is that her dog? The one she’s playing with?

GIRL:   Yes. We had lots of fun with him that afternoon.

Listening 3

Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript

Lines should be drawn between:

1   Robert and the boy at the table, with a plate full of food

2   Harry and the man in blue jeans, dancing

3   Katy and the little girl dancing, with hair like a coconut

4   Sarah and the girl who’s drinking

5   William and the man with a beard, looking at his watch


WOMAN:   Do you know the people at this party?

GIRL:   Not everyone, but I know some of them. May, for example.

WOMAN:   Which one is she?

GIRL:   She’s the little girl in the long yellow socks. She’s just fallen over!


WOMAN:   Do you know that boy next to the table?

GIRL:   Yes, that’s my cousin, Robert.

WOMAN:   Look at his plate – there’s a lot of food on it!

GIRL:   Yes. He always eats a lot at parties.


WOMAN:   Look at that man in the blue jeans. He’s enjoying the party!

GIRL:   That’s my uncle Harry. He looks very funny when he’s dancing.

WOMAN:   I think he likes this music.

GIRL:   Well, yes … he chose it!


WOMAN:   Who’s that little girl over there – the one who’s sleeping in the chair?

GIRL:   Sorry, I don’t know her. But I know the other little girl – the one who’s dancing.

WOMAN:   What’s her name, then?

GIRL:   Her name’s Katy, but we call her ‘Coconut’. Everyone likes her.


GIRL:   Can you see that girl who’s holding a glass in her hand?

WOMAN:   Yes – she’s putting some ice into her drink.

GIRL:   No, not her. I mean the girl who’s drinking. Look!

WOMAN:   Oh, yes. Sorry.

GIRL:   That’s my best friend, Sarah.

WOMAN:   She looks nice, too. I want to meet her.


WOMAN:   I know that man with the beard, but I can’t remember his name.

GIRL:   Oh, that’s William.

WOMAN:   Why is he looking at his watch?

GIRL:   It’s seven o’clock – in a minute he’s going to stop the music.

WOMAN:   Why?

GIRL:   So we can play games. It happens at all our parties!

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