Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5

You will hear five short conversations.

You will hear each conversation twice.

There is one question for each conversation.

For questions 1-5, put a tick (✓) under the right answer.

1   Where’s the sports centre?

2   How much petrol does the woman want?

3   Which table do they buy?

4   What time does the class start?

5   What was the weather like on Emma’s holiday?

Answer & Audioscript

1 A   2 B   3 C   4 A   5 C


1   Where’s the sports centre?

Man:   Excuse me. Is the sports centre near here?

Woman:   Yes, it’s about ten minutes’ walk. Go past the bank and take the second road on the left. It’s on the corner.

Man:   Thanks very much.

2   How much petrol does the woman want?

Woman:   Could you put 30 litres of petrol in my car, please?

Man:   Did you say 13 litres?

Woman:   No, 30 litres. Fill it up please.

3   Which table do they buy?

Woman:   Look – this round table is very nice.

Man:   Yes, but it’s made of plastic and it’s only got three legs.

Woman:   Do you want one with four legs?

Man:   Yes – look, here’s a square one. Let’s have this.

Woman:   OK.

4   What time does the class start?

Boy:   Are you going to the English class this afternoon, Susan?

Girl:   Yes, it’s at three o’clock, isn’t it?

Boy:   Two o’clock. I’ve got to go to the dentist’s at half past two so I can’t go.

Girl:   Don’t worry. I’ll get the homework for you.

5   What was the weather like on Emma’s holiday?

Man:   Did you enjoy your holiday in Australia, Emma?

Emma:   Yes, but it was wet most of the time.

Man:   Really? Isn’t it always hot in Australia?

Emma:   Mm. Not when I was there.

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10

Listen to Jane talking to a friend about some clothes that she has bought for her holiday.

What colours are her clothes?

For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each of her clothes.

You will hear the conversation twice.


0 shirt                   H







10   shoes

A   black

B   blue

C   brown

D   green

E   grey

F   orange

G   red

H   white

Answer & Audioscript

6 D   7 C   8 F   9 A   10 B


Tim:   Hi Jane. Have you been shopping?

Jane:   Yes. I’ve bought some clothes. But I think I’ve got too many different colours.

Tim:   Well, that’s a nice white shirt. You can wear that with any colour.

Jane:   Yes, I bought it in the same shop as this dress.

Tim:   Let me see. Oh yes. What a lovely green! And have you bought a jacket to go with it?

Jane:   Yes. It was difficult to find one but I finally got this dark brown one.

Tim:   Oh yes – that’s very nice. Did you buy anything else?

Jane:   Well, I need a new sweater. I always wear this red one and it’s so old now. So I bought this one.

Tim:   Mmm – orange – that’s an unusual colour.

Jane:   Yes. I also bought a coat and some shoes.

Tim:   You have been busy.

Jane:   Yes. The coat was a bit expensive. Do you like it?

Tim:   Oh yes. You look good in black. And those new black shoes look great with the coat.

Jane:   Well, actually they’re dark blue, not black.

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15

Listen to Mrs Lee talking to her secretary about her business trip.

For questions 11-15, tick (✓) A, B or C.

You will hear the conversation twice.


0   Mrs Lee will leave on

        A   Friday.

        B   Saturday.  

        C   Sunday.

11   Mrs Lee’s plane goes at

        A   8 a.m.

        B   10 a.m.

        C   11 a.m.

12   She is going to

        A   Amsterdam.

        B   Frankfurt.

        C   London.

13   First she will go to

        A   a factory.

        B   an office.

        C   a hotel.

14   She will have dinner in

        A   a restaurant.

        B   her hotel.

        C   someone’s house.

15   The next morning she will travel by

        A   plane.

        B   train.

        C   car.

Answer & Audioscript

11 B   12 C   13 A   14 A   15 B


Mrs Lee:   So, tell me about my trip to Europe. Will I leave on Saturday or Sunday?

Secretary:   I’ve booked your ticket for Saturday, Mrs Lee. Let me see, that’s the 11th and your plane leaves at 10 a.m.

Mrs Lee:   So, I’ll get to the airport at about eight.

Secretary:   Yes. And you’ll arrive in London at eleven fifty – you won’t stop in Frankfurt this time. Mr Porter from our Amsterdam office will arrive at about the same time, so you can go together to your meeting at the factory – no time to go to the hotel, I’m afraid.

Mrs Lee:   OK. And after the meeting?

Secretary:   You’ll have the afternoon free. Then in the evening you’ll meet Jane and Peter Cook.

Mrs Lee:   Is that at their home?

Secretary:   Not this time. You’re going to meet in a Japanese restaurant near your hotel. Then the next morning you’ll go to Paris on the train.

Mrs Lee:   Yes, that’s better than flying again.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20

You will hear a man asking for some information about a language school.

Listen and complete questions 16-20.

You will hear the conversation twice.

School of Italian Studies

Length of courses:     6 or 9 months

Next course begins on:     16___________

Number of students in each class:     17___________

Cost of coursebook:     18   £___________

School hours:

Monday to Friday:     From: 8 a.m. to: 7

Saturday:     19   From: ________ to: ________

Nearest underground station:     20___________

Answer & Audioscript

16 (next) Monday   17 (about) 15 / fifteen (students)

18 12.99 / twelve pounds ninety-nine

19 nine / 9 (o’clock) / 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

20 Green Park


Woman:   Hello, School of Italian Studies.

Man:   Hello, I saw your advertisement in the newspaper. Can you give me some information, please?

Woman:   Yes, of course. What would you like to know?

Man:   Well, first, how long are the courses?

Woman:   They’re six or nine months long and the next courses begin next Monday.

Man:   How many students will there be in the class? Not too many, I hope.

Woman:   Usually, there are about 15. We find that a good number.

Man:   OK. Now, I saw the price of the course in the newspaper, but will I have to pay for anything else?

Woman:   Only for the coursebook, which costs twelve pounds ninety-nine.

Man:   I see. When can I come and pay?

Woman:   Well, the school is open eight a.m. to seven p.m. Monday to Friday and on Saturdays from nine to one.

Man:   OK. And one more question – what’s the nearest underground station to your school?

Woman:   It’s Green Park.

Man:   Green Park. I see. Well, thank you very much. Goodbye.

Woman:   Goodbye.

Listening Part 5

Questions 21-25

You will hear a man talking about a day trip.

Listen and complete questions 21-25.

You will hear the information twice.


Leave:                    9.30 a.m.

Trip will take:       21___________ hours

We will stop at three places:

Stop 1:                   22___________

Stop 2:                   23___________ at 1 o’clock

Stop 3:                   24___________

Take your:             25___________

Answer & Audioscript

21 7/seven (hours)   22 castle   23 café/lunch

24 beach/lake   25 camera


Tour guide:   Hello everybody. Tomorrow we’re all going on a coach trip to Lake Tandy and I’d just like to give you some information about the trip.

We’ll be leaving here at nine thirty in the morning. It’s a seven-hour trip, so we’ll be back at half past four. We’re going to visit three places. The first one is a castle. This was built six hundred years ago and it is very interesting. After that we will stop at a café for lunch at one o’clock. We’ll stay there about three-quarters of an hour. We will then drive on to our third stop. It will be at a beach and if you like you can swim there or just sit in the sun and look at the scenery. The lake is very beautiful and there are lots of birds there. So remember to take a camera. I’m sure you’ll be able to take some excellent photographs.

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