Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5

You will hear five short conversations.

You will hear each conversation twice.

There is one question for each conversation.

For questions 1-5, put a tick (✓) under the right answer.

1   What are they going to buy for Pam?

2   When is the man’s appointment?

3   Which is the aunt’s postcard?

4   What time will the plane to Milan leave?

5   What does Joe’s father do?

Answer & Audioscript

1 B   2 B   3 C   4 C   5 A


1   What are they going to buy for Pam?

Man:   Last year we gave Pam a book for her birthday. Shall we buy her another one this year?

Woman:   I think we should give her a plant or some chocolates.

Man:   But she doesn’t like sweet things!

Woman:   Let’s get her something to put in her garden, but not a book again!

2   When is the man’s appointment?

Man:   Good morning. I’d like someone to cut my hair, please. Can I make an appointment?

Woman:   Certainly. Um, Wednesday or Thursday morning, or Friday afternoon?

Man:   On Friday, I’m going to go to France. What about Thursday afternoon? I’m afraid I have a meeting all day Wednesday.

Woman:   Well, it’s a little difficult, but if that’s the only afternoon you can come we’ll see you then.

3   Which is the aunt’s postcard?

Boy:   Look, Sandra. I got this really nice postcard from my aunt.

Sandra:   Oh. What a pretty village and it’s right by a river. Is it in the mountains?

Boy:   Yes. But you can’t see them in the picture.

Sandra:   Perhaps they’re behind those tall trees.

4   What time will the plane to Milan leave?

Man:   Excuse me. What time is the next plane to Milan?

Woman:   It should leave at quarter past seven but it’s an hour late today.

Man:   That’s a problem. If it doesn’t leave until quarter past eight, I’ll be one hour late for my meeting.

Woman:   I’m sorry, sir. There’s nothing I can do.

5   What does Joe’s father do?

Girl:   What’s your father’s job, Joe?

Joe:   He was a pilot but now he’s a farmer. What about your father?

Girl:   He’s a photographer.

Joe:   Oh, I want to do that – if I don’t become a pilot.

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10

Listen to Sarah and Matthew talking about the people they met at a party.

What do they say about each person?

For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each person.

You will hear the conversation twice.


0 Jenny                A







10   Sally

A   blonde

B   famous

C   friendly

D   interesting

E   quiet

F   short

G   tall

H   young

Answer & Audioscript

6 E   7 C   8 H   9 G   10 D


Matthew:   Did you like the party, Sarah?

Sarah:   Yes, Matthew. I met a lot of people. Did you see Jenny? The girl with the short blonde hair?

Matthew:   I think so. Was she talking to John at the beginning of the evening?

Sarah:   Yes. I tried to speak to him later but he didn’t say much.

Matthew:   He’s OK. He just prefers not to talk a lot.

Sarah:   Who was the girl who arrived late? She was very friendly. She knew everyone.

Matthew:   That was Mary. She’s certainly not quiet!

Sarah:   I know her brother, Bob. He was there too.

Matthew:   He’s still at school, isn’t he?

Sarah:   Yes. Everyone was a lot older than him. But he didn’t mind.

Matthew:   Another person I liked was David.

Sarah:   Is he rather short?

Matthew:   Not at all. He was taller than everybody there! Who else did you meet?

Sarah:   Sally. She’s travelled all over the world and knows a lot of famous people. Everything she said was interesting.

Matthew:   It was a good party.

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15

Listen to Anne asking her friend about going to a shopping centre.

For questions 11-15, tick (✓) A, B or C.

You will hear the conversation twice.


0   The name of the new shopping centre is

        A   The Rivers.

        B   The Forest Centre.

        C   Queen’s.  

11   At the moment, the shopping centre sells

        A   clothes.

        B   books.

        C   food.

12   You can take a coach to the shopping centre on

        A   Mondays.

        B   Tuesdays.

        C   Saturdays.

13   Anne’s coach ticket will cost

        A   £2.50.

        B   £5.60.

        C   £10.80.

14   The nearest coach stop to Anne’s house is

        A   in the bus station.

        B   in the market square.

        C   outside the museum.

15   The coach journey takes

        A   10 minutes.

        B   20 minutes.

        C   40 minutes.

Answer & Audioscript

11 A   12 B   13 B   14 C   15 C


Friend:   Anne, have you been to that new shopping centre?

Anne:   The Forest Centre?

Friend:   No. I mean Queen’s, the new one near the river.

Anne:   Oh. I’ve seen the advertisement. It’s got the largest café and bookshop in the country.

Friend:   It will have. Only the clothes shops are open this month.

Anne:   Well, that’s OK. But it’s at least thirty kilometres away and I haven’t got a car.

Friend:   Well, there is a coach once a week.

Anne:   Is there? I can get that if it’s not on Saturday. I have to work then.

Friend:   It goes on Tuesday. But it’s best to get your ticket on Monday.

Anne:   Is the ticket expensive?

Friend:   Ten pounds eighty for adults, two pounds fifty for children and only five pounds sixty for students like you.

Anne:   Not bad. Does it go from the bus station?

Friend:   Yes, and it stops in Market Square and outside the museum in Broad Street.

Anne:   Oh, good. I’ll get it there. Broad Street is really near my house. Does it leave early?

Friend:   Twenty past nine and you get to the shopping centre forty minutes later at ten o’clock.

Anne:   Great!

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20

You will hear a telephone conversation about a journey to New York.

Listen and complete questions 16-20.

You will hear the conversation twice.


Travel to:                          New York

Name:                               16   Mr ___________

Will leave on:                  17 ___________ December

Will return on:                18   30th ___________

Price:                                 19   £___________

Travel to airport by:       20 ___________

Answer & Audioscript

16 Brierley   17 (the) 9(th) / ninth (of)   18 March

19 365 / three hundred and sixty-five (pounds)

20 train


Woman:   Good morning. John Locke Travel Service. Can I help you?

Man:   Yes. I’d like to go to the United States, to New York.

Woman:   Certainly. Could I have your name please, sir?

Man:   Brierley. That’s B R I E R L E Y.

Woman:   Thank you. Now when would you like to travel, Mr Brierley?

Man:   I have to be in New York on the eleventh of December, so I’d like to leave on the ninth. Can you do that?

Woman:   Certainly, sir, and when do you want to return?

Man:   Three and a half months later, on the thirtieth of March. I must be back here in April.

Woman:   OK. One moment, Mr Brierley. I can book that for you now.

Man:   Good. How much will it cost?

Woman:   Three hundred and sixty-five pounds – that’s a special price for business travellers.

Man:   That’s fine.

Woman:   Will you drive your car to the airport or go by taxi?

Man:   I’ll take the train. Can you get me a ticket for that too?

Woman:   Yes, or course, sir. Can you give me your credit card number …

Listening Part 5

Questions 21-25

You will hear Susanna leaving a phone message for her mother.

Listen and complete questions 21-25.

You will hear the information twice.


From:                                  Susanna

Buy:                                     21   a white ___________

Name of shop:                  22 ___________

In High Street, next to:   23 ___________

Size:                                     24 ___________

Price:                                   25   £___________

Answer & Audioscript

21 T(-) / t(-) / tee shirt   22 Davey(‘)s(‘)   23 (the) cinema   24 large

25 8.99 / eight (pounds) (and) ninety-nine (p/pence)


Susanna:   Hi, Mum. This is Susanna. I know you’re going shopping this afternoon. Can you get something for me? I need a white T-shirt for the school tennis match tomorrow. We all have to wear white, and I haven’t got one. You can get them in Davey’s – that’s D A V E Y S – it’s a new shop in the High Street. It’s not far from the car park – you can go there before you go to the supermarket. You know the cinema? Well, it’s next to that. It’s easy to find.

There are three sizes – small, medium and large. My old one was a small but I’m a lot bigger now, so could you buy me a large one, please?

I hope you can get it – I can’t play in the match without it. It’s not expensive, it only costs eight pounds ninety-nine. I’ll give you the money tonight.

Thanks a lot, Mum. See you later. Bye.

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