Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5

You will hear five short conversations.

You will hear each conversation twice.

There is one question for each conversation.

For questions 1-5, put a tick (✓) under the right answer.

1   How will Jill go to the football match?

2   Who’s going to visit the woman?

3   What will Ruby do tonight?

4   How much did the woman’s desk cost?

5   Where is the man’s watch?

Answer & Audioscript

1 A   2 C   3 C   4 A   5 B


1   How will Jill go to the football match?

Man:   Are you going to drive to the football match, Jill?

Woman:   I was going to, but I think parking will be difficult.

Man:   That’s what I thought. I’m going to walk, if you want to come with me.

Woman:   OK then – that’s cheaper than the bus, and it’s always late anyway!

2   Who’s going to visit the woman?

Woman:   My sister’s son is coming to stay with me tomorrow.

Man:   Oh, that’s nice. I met him a long time ago, when he was ten years old, didn’t I?

Woman:   Well, he’s a father now, you know. But he’s not bringing the baby with him.

Man:   Oh, what a pity!

3   What will Ruby do tonight?

Girl:   Mum, Kate’s just phoned. She wants me to go to the cinema this evening.

Woman:   You can’t go out, Ruby, if you haven’t finished your school work.

Girl:   But I have! And I’ve even cleaned my shoes.

Woman:   That’s all right then.

4   How much did the woman’s desk cost?

Man:   I’ve just spent sixty pounds fifty on a new desk. Very expensive!

Woman:   Well, I paid sixty-six pounds fifty for mine.

Man:   I saw one for fifty-five pounds, but it wasn’t very good.

Woman:   A good desk costs more than fifty-five pounds.

5   Where is the man’s watch?

Man:   I can’t find my watch anywhere!

Woman:   Did you take it off when you did the washing-up last night?

Man:   I’ve looked in the kitchen and it’s not there.

Woman:   Here it is. You left it on the bath before you went to bed.

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10

Listen to Lena talking to a friend about some restaurants.

What is the problem with each one?

For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each restaurant.

You will hear the conversation twice.


0 Rose Garden   B



 Carla’s Café

 Pizza Place

 Curry House

 Captain Crab

10   Carlton Hotel

A   closed

B   cold

C   dark

D   expensive

E   full

F   noisy

G   small

H   unfriendly

Answer & Audioscript

6 G   7 C   8 E   9 F   10 D


Man:   We’ve got to choose a restaurant for our class party next Saturday, Lena. What about the Rose Garden?

Woman:   It’ll be too cold, because all the tables are outside. I suppose Carla’s Café is still closed.

Man:   It’s open again now but it’s not big enough for all of your class. What do you think about Pizza Place?

Woman:   The food’s good, but they turn the lights so low, it’s impossible to read the menu. What about the Curry House? The waiters are really friendly and everyone likes Indian food.

Man:   I phoned them yesterday – they’re fully booked on Saturday so there won’t be any tables free.

Woman:   Oh dear! I’ve just been to that new fish restaurant – Captain Crab. The music was so loud it was impossible to have a conversation.

Man:   We’ll want to talk, so that’s no good. I suppose there’s the Carlton Hotel.

Woman:   Even a snack there costs a lot of money. We need a cheaper restaurant. Let’s look in the newspaper …

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15

Listen to Helen talking to her friend, Sam, about being in a rock band.

For questions 11-15, tick (✓) A, B or C.

You will hear the conversation twice.


0   In Nick’s band, Helen

        A   plays the guitar.

        B   sings.  

        C   plays the drums.

11   Sam agrees to play the guitar on

        A   Wednesday.

        B   Thursday.

        C   Friday.

12   Where does Nick’s band practise?

        A   in a garage

        B   at Helen’s flat

        C   in Nick’s bedroom

13   Sam should bring

        A   sandwiches.

        B   CDs.

        C   a sweater.

14   The band will next play at

        A   a party.

        B   a club.

        C   a college.

15   How much does Helen earn, per night, in the band?

        A   £10

        B   £25

        C   £110

Answer & Audioscript

11 B   12 A   13 C   14 C   15 B


Helen:   Sam, you know I sing in Nick’s band?

Sam:   Mmm. He plays drums, doesn’t he, Helen?

Helen:   Yes. Well, we need another guitar player. How about you?

Sam:   Sure!

Helen:   Nick wants to hear you play first. Are you free on Wednesday?

Sam:   Sorry. How about the next day or Friday?

Helen:   Let’s say Thursday – Nick’s busy on Fridays.

Sam:   Fine. Where and what time?

Helen:   Come to my flat at seven thirty and we can walk to Nick’s. The band uses his dad’s garage because his bedroom’s too small.

Sam:   Should I bring anything? Food? Music?

Helen:   Nick’s mum makes us sandwiches and I always bring CDs. A warm sweater’s a good idea, because it gets cold.

Sam:   OK. When’s the band’s next concert? Aren’t you playing at your brother’s eighteenth birthday party?

Helen:   Yes, and the college has booked us for the Saturday before that. We want to play at the Starlight Club, but they’re fully booked at the moment.

Sam:   Do you get paid for singing, Helen?

Helen:   Of course – the band gets a hundred and ten pounds a night and we each have twenty-five pounds. Nick keeps ten pounds for things like advertisements.

Sam:   Great.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20

You will hear a man talking on the telephone about a party.

Listen and complete questions 16-20.

You will hear the conversation twice.

Party for old school friends

For pupils from:                         Romford School

Date of party:                             16 ___________ September

Day of party:                               17 ___________

Place:                                            Margaret’s house

Margaret’s new surname:       18 ___________

Margaret’s address:                  19   11 ___________ Road

Bring:                                            20 ___________

Answer & Audioscript

16 7 / 7th / seventh (September)   17 Saturday

18 JAGGARD   19 (11) Park (Road)

20 photos / photograph(s)


Tony:   Hello, is that Sally?

Sally:   Yes?

Tony:   This is Tony Bassett. We were at Romford School together.

Sally:   Oh hello, Tony! I remember you well.

Tony:   There’s going to be a party for the pupils in our year at Romford School.

Sally:   Oh – when will it be?

Tony:   Well, we started at that school on the fourth of September, but the party has to be on the seventh – almost exactly ten years later.

Sally:   That’s a Saturday, isn’t it? I know our first day at school was a Tuesday.

Tony:   That’s right. Do you remember my sister, Margaret? It’s at her house.

Sally:   Oh yes … she got married, didn’t she?

Tony:   Yes. She’s Margaret Jaggard now.

Sally:   Is that J A double G A R D?

Tony:   That’s right. She lives in Park Road at number eleven, near the park entrance.

Sally:   That’ll be easy to find. Can I bring something to eat or drink?

Tony:   There will be enough food, but everybody’s going to bring some photos – we’ll enjoy looking at them.

Sally:   I’ll put the date in my diary.

Listening Part 5

Questions 21-25

You will hear some information about a place called Sea World.

Listen and complete questions 21-25.

You will hear the information twice.

Sea World

Open:                                                   Tuesday – Sunday

Closed during month of:                21 ___________

Watch a film about the sea in:      22   The ___________ Centre

Dolphin show starts at:                  23 ___________ p.m.

Shop sells:                                         24 ___________ and books

Child’s ticket costs:                          25   £ ___________

Answer & Audioscript

21 March   22 (The) Visitor(s)(‘s)(s’) (Centre)

23 2.15 / 14.15 (p.m.) (in the afternoon) / two fifteen / (a) quarter past two

24 (many different) toy(s) (and books)

25 (£)4.25 / four pounds (and) twenty(-)five (p/pence)


Sea World is not open at the moment, but here is some information. We are open six days a week, from Tuesday to Sunday, from nine a.m. until five thirty p.m. Visitors are welcome from April to February, but we have to close in March for painting and repairs.

Every morning at eleven, there is a short film about the sea. Go to the Visitor Centre to watch this. The film is followed by a short talk about the different animals living in the sea.

The dolphin show begins at two fifteen every afternoon, but to make sure we can start on time, we ask everyone to be in their seats by two o’clock.

The shop at Sea World is open all day. Children will like the many different toys and books on sale there. There is also a café, where you can get drinks and snacks.

Adult tickets cost seven pounds and tickets for children are four pounds twenty-five. There are special prices for school groups.

Thank you for calling Sea World.

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