Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5

You will hear five short conversations.

You will hear each conversation twice.

There is one question for each conversation.

For questions 1-5, put a tick (✓) under the right answer.

1   Where will the man and woman meet?

2   What’s the date of Emma’s birthday party?

3   Where is Norah’s watch?

4   How much is a ticket for tonight’s match?

5   Which is the boy’s brother?

Answer & Audioscript

1 A   2 C   3 A   4 A   5 B


1   Where will the man and woman meet?

Man:   I’ll see you outside the cinema at six o’clock.

Woman:   Why can’t you meet me at the station? Or better still, the café? We’re going to eat there before the film, aren’t we?

Man:   Yes, but we need to be at the cinema at six to buy the tickets. Then we can go to the café.

Woman:   Oh OK.

2   What’s the date of Emma’s birthday party?

Woman:   Are you going to Emma’s twentieth birthday party in June?

Man:   Yes, I am. But it’s in July actually.

Woman:   Oh yes, of course. The twenty-first, isn’t it?

Man:   That’s right. Her birthday is the day after mine. That’s how I remember it.

3   Where is Norah’s watch?

Girl:   Have you seen my watch, Mum? I left it on the bookshelf.

Woman:   I think it’s in the kitchen, Norah, on the table.

Girl:   That’s your watch, Mum.

Woman:   Oh, then I’m wearing yours! Sorry, I thought it was mine.

4   How much is a ticket for tonight’s match?

Woman:   Are you going to the basketball match tonight?

Man:   How much are the tickets?

Woman:   Most weeks they’re six pounds but it’s a special price tonight – three pounds fifty – so do come.

Man:   Right. I’ve got ten pounds here, so that’s OK.

5   Which is the boy’s brother?

Boy:   Look, there’s my brother over there, talking to his friends.

Girl:   Oh, is he the one with dark hair?

Boy:   My brother’s got blond hair.

Girl:   Oh yes, and he’s got the same glasses as you. He looks nice.

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10

Listen to Amy telling her father about her shopping trip.

What did she and her friends buy?

For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each person.

You will hear the conversation twice.


0 Amy                   H


Things they bought





10   Jo

A   CD

B   magazine

C   mobile phone

D   picture

E   shoes

F   suitcase

G   sweater

H   video

Answer & Audioscript

6 F   7 B   8 G   9 D   10 A


Dad:   Did you spend all your money, Amy?

Amy:   No, Dad, but we all bought something. Look, I found the video I wanted.

Dad:   Great!

Amy:   We spent hours in the department store. Alison wants to take all her shoes on holiday, and her suitcase is too small. She bought a new one, but it took her ages!

Dad:   Then what did you do?

Amy:   We went with Helen to look at mobile phones. Her parents are getting her one for her birthday, so she bought a magazine that had information about all the different kinds to show them.

Dad:   That’s a good idea. Did Lucy find a present for her mum’s birthday?

Amy:   Yes, she looked at some beautiful shoes, but they were too expensive. But I think her mum will like the sweater she bought.

Dad:   Oh good. What did Kerry buy?

Amy:   A picture of our favourite band playing at a concert.

Dad:   Is that the band you saw with Jo?

Amy:   Yes. She got their new CD today. The music magazines say it’s excellent.

Dad:   You must all be tired.

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15

Listen to Jamie talking to his mother about a flat.

For questions 11-15, tick (✓) A, B or C.

You will hear the conversation twice.


0   At the moment, Jamie is living

        A   at home.

        B   in the university.  

        C   in a flat.

11   Jamie will go to university from the new flat

        A   by bicycle.

        B   by bus.

        C   on foot.

12   The new flat is

        A   over a shop.

        B   on a noisy road.

        C   next to a café.

13   How much will Jamie pay a week for the flat?

        A   £200

        B   £40

        C   £14

14   What doesn’t the flat have?

        A   a cooker

        B   a fridge

        C   a washing machine

15   Jamie agrees to move into the new flat on

        A   Saturday.

        B   Sunday.

        C   Monday.

Answer & Audioscript

11 C   12 A   13 B   14 C   15 B


Jamie:   Hi, Mum! I’ve decided to move from my room at the university and into a flat with some friends.

Mum:   Is the flat near the university, Jamie?

Jamie:   About twenty minutes by bicycle and there are buses every half hour. But I’ll walk through the park and have breakfast at a café there with – my friends.

Mum:   Will the flat be quiet so you can study?

Jamie:   There’s a shoe shop downstairs, but it’s never busy, and there’s not much traffic.

Mum:   Is it expensive?

Jamie:   Two hundred pounds a week, but there are five of us, so that’s forty pounds each, which isn’t bad.

Mum:   Good. Does the flat have a nice kitchen?

Jamie:   Well, the fridge is old and the cooker’s a bit small, but that doesn’t matter – we can’t cook! Can I still use your washing machine, Mum, because there isn’t one there?

Mum:   Of course. When will you move?

Jamie:   On Saturday.

Mum:   If you can wait until the next day, Dad and I will help you, so you’re ready for classes on Monday.

Jamie:   OK. Thanks, Mum!

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20

You will hear a woman asking about tickets for the theatre.

Listen and complete questions 16-20.

You will hear the conversation twice.

Theatre tickets

Name of theatre:                                Queen’s

There are tickets for show on:        16 ___________ evening

Price for one ticket:                           17   £___________

Get tickets from ticket office in:     18 ___________ Road

Show starts at:                                    19 ___________ p.m.

Bus number:                                         20 ___________

Answer & Audioscript

16 Wednesday(s) / Wed(s).   17 (£)8.50 (each)   18 FERRET  

19 7.45 / 19.45 / (a) quarter to eight (p.m.) (in the evening)

20 136 / one three six / one hundred and thirty-six


Man:   Queen’s Theatre. Can I help you?

Woman:   Yes, do you have two tickets for this week’s show? Saturday’s best for me.

Man:   Well, all of the tickets have gone then, but we still have a few for Wednesday evening or Thursday afternoon.

Woman:   It’ll have to be the evening. Have you got two near the front?

Man:   Let me see. I’ve got two seats, but they’re near the back, I’m afraid.

Woman:   How much are they?

Man:   They’re eight pounds fifty each.

Woman:   OK. I’ll take them.

Man:   Then that’ll be seventeen pounds altogether. Collect your tickets from the ticket office in Ferret Road. That’s F E double R E T. The ticket office is open all day.

Woman:   OK. When does the show begin?

Man:   At seven forty-five in the evening. It lasts two and a half hours.

Woman:   That sounds fine. Can we get to the theatre by bus?

Man:   Yes, there’s a bus stop just outside – take the one-three-six from the town centre. They go every eight to ten minutes.

Woman:   Thank you for your help.

Listening Part 5

Questions 21-25

You will hear some information about a competition to win a holiday.

Listen and complete questions 21-25.

You will hear the information twice.

Holiday competition

Win a holiday in:                        Scotland

Number of nights:                     21 ___________

Name of hotel:                           22 ___________ Hotel

At hotel, you can play:             23 ___________

Call The Travel Programme

Phone before midnight on:    24 ___________

Phone number:                          25 ___________

Answer & Audioscript

21 3 / three (nights)   22 FALKIRK (Hotel)

23 golf   24 Thursday   25 0208 66873


Here’s some good news for all our listeners. Would you like to win a free holiday in Scotland? Yes? Well, the lucky winner of The Travel Programme’s holiday competition will win a three-night stay, for two people, in the wonderful Scottish countryside.

We have chosen a fine hotel for you. It’s called the Falkirk – that’s F A L K I R K, and it’s an old castle in the mountains.

You won’t have to pay for anything during your stay. The hotel has excellent food, and the competition winners can even use the beautiful hotel golf course when they are there.

All you have to do to win this great holiday is call The Travel Programme and answer the simple question we will ask you. Don’t delay, because the competition closes at midnight on Thursday, and we’ll tell you the name of the winner next Saturday. The number to call is oh-two-oh, eight-double-six-eight-seven-three.

Good luck, everyone. Now, here’s the question for you …

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