Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5

You will hear five short conversations.

You will hear each conversation twice.

There is one question for each conversation.

For questions 1-5, put a tick (✓) under the right answer.

1   Which boy is Peter?

2   Which day will they go to the cinema?

3   What are they going to do on Saturday?

4   Where does Paul live?

5   Where are they going to put the computer?

Answer & Audioscript

1 B   2 A   3 A   4 C   5 A


1   Which boy is Peter?

Girl:   You’ve got a lot of photographs of your family. Who’s this one of?

Boy:   They’re my cousins.

Girl:   So which one is Peter, the one you’re always talking about? This one here?

Boy:   That’s right. He’s standing in the middle because the other two weren’t speaking to each other that day.

2   Which day will they go to the cinema?

Boy:   I’d love to see that film about the boy who learns to fly. I think I’ll go on Thursday. Do you want to come too?

Girl:   I can’t that night – I’m going to play tennis with Dave. How about Tuesday … or if not, Wednesday?

Boy:   Tuesday night is fine. I can’t on Wednesday. I’ll see you outside the cinema at seven then.

Girl:   OK!

3   What are they going to do on Saturday?

Boy:   Come to the beach on Saturday.

Girl:   I’d like to, but I must finish some work for the History lesson on Monday.

Boy:   Haven’t you heard? There are no classes on Monday because of the football match.

Girl:   Oh great! I’ll go with you then. My next History lesson isn’t until Friday.

4   Where does Paul live?

Boy:   I’m going to Paul’s house to watch a video. He’s living in our street now.

Woman:   In the house that was for sale? Number thirty-two?

Boy:   The one next to it, thirty-three. And Kevin from school is coming to live here too, at number thirty-one.

Woman:   All your friends in the same street … I’ll never see you!

5   Where are they going to put the computer?

Boy:   Can I have the new computer in my bedroom, Mum?

Woman:   It’s for all the family to use, so we really need it downstairs. What about putting it in the kitchen?

Boy:   It gets very hot in there. The living room is nicer.

Woman:   Well, it’s noisy when the television is on, but we can try it there.

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10

Listen to Janet talking to her friend about a party.

What did each person wear?

For questions 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each person.

You will hear the conversation twice.


0 Janet                 E







10   Jason

A   blouse

B   dress

C   jacket

D   jeans

E   skirt

F   suit

G   sweater

H   T-shirt

Answer & Audioscript

6 G   7 D   8 B   9 A   10 H


Janet:   Hi, Sue. How are you feeling?

Sue:   A bit better, thanks, Janet. Tell me about Emma’s birthday party at the weekend. What did you wear?

Janet:   My long skirt, as usual. Emma looked great. One of her presents was a sweater with gold flowers on the front, and she wore that.

Sue:   I suppose Mike was there in that suit he always wears.

Janet:   He was in jeans – but they were black and he looked great.

Sue:   Was he with Michelle? She wanted to wear my white jacket, but it was too small.

Janet:   She had on a blue Chinese dress, and Rachel was wearing blue too.

Sue:   I know, the blouse with the silver buttons – I’ve seen her in it before. It looks lovely with her silver shoes.

Janet:   Jason came straight from work, so he’d still got on that T-shirt he wears at the restaurant. Even in winter he never wears a sweater.

Sue:   Well, the girls all had nice clothes anyway. Let’s hope I can come to the next party.

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15

Listen to Zak talking to Maria about his sports bag.

For questions 11-15, tick (✓) A, B or C.

You will hear the conversation twice.


0   What colour is Zak’s bag?

        A   blue  

        B   white

        C   black

11   The bag is

        A   small.

        B   old.

        C   dirty.

12   Where is the bag?

        A   in the classroom

        B   on the sports field

        C   at the hospital

13   What is inside the bag?

        A   money

        B   a watch

        C   clothes

14   Maria should take the bag to Zak

        A   this afternoon.

        B   this evening.

        C   tomorrow morning.

15   Zak hurt himself when he was

        A   playing football.

        B   running.

        C   changing his clothes.

Answer & Audioscript

11 C   12 A   13 C   14 B   15 B


Maria:   Hi, Zak, this is Maria. I got a message about your sports bag but I didn’t understand it.

Zak:   Thanks for phoning, Maria. I’m still in hospital, so can you get my sports bag from school? It’s blue, not black and white like my school bag.

Maria:   OK. What size is it?

Zak:   It’s quite large and it’s a good bag. I only bought it a few weeks ago, but it needs a wash!

Maria:   Where is it?

Zak:   Well, I had it on the sports field with me, but Tim took it to the classroom after my accident. I left it there when they brought me to hospital.

Maria:   Is there anything inside it?

Zak:   Only my school uniform. I’m wearing my watch, and I never carry money in it.

Maria:   OK. Shall I bring it to the hospital after school?

Zak:   I’m going home this afternoon. Can you take it there this evening? I’ll need it for tomorrow morning.

Maria:   Sure. How did you hurt yourself anyway?

Zak:   It was after football. We were running back to the changing rooms when I fell.

Maria:   Oh dear!

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20

You will hear a man asking for some information about a swimming pool.

Listen and complete questions 16-20.

You will hear the conversation twice.

Swimming pool

Closing day:     Monday

The ‘early morning swim’ starts at:     16 ___________ a.m.

9.30 – 12.30, pool is used by:     17 ___________

Each lesson costs:     18   £___________

Date of next course:     19 ___________

Teacher’s name:     20   Roy ___________

Answer & Audioscript

16 (at) 6.00 / 6 / six o’clock (in the morning) / (a.m.)

17 (the) school(s) / (school) children / students

18 (£)7.50 / seven pounds (and) fifty (p/pence)

19 9(th) (of) March / 9.3 / 09.03 / 3.9



Man:   Hello, I’d like some information, please. Is the swimming pool open every day?

Woman:   Not on Monday, I’m afraid.

Man:   I like to swim before breakfast. What time do you open?

Woman:   We open the doors at six o’clock for the first swim of the day, the ‘early morning swim’, we call it. That’s the best time to come, because after seven it gets very busy.

Man:   I see.

Woman:   And don’t come between nine thirty and twelve thirty because schools use the pool then. It’s closed to everyone else.

Man:   OK. Do you have lessons? I want to learn to swim better.

Woman:   Yes, every afternoon. It’s seven pounds fifty a lesson or seventy pounds if you pay for ten.

Man:   OK. When does the next course begin?

Woman:   Let me see … it’s on the ninth of March. Would you like to start then?

Man:   Yes please. What’s the teacher’s name?

Woman:   It’s Roy Fowler. That’s F O W L E R. He’s an excellent teacher.

Man:   Well, thank you very much. My name’s …

Listening Part 5

Questions 21-25

You will hear some information about free cinema tickets.

Listen and complete questions 21-25.

You will hear the information twice.

Free cinema tickets

Usual price:     £5

Name of film:     21   The Elephant ___________

Send postcard to:     Radio South-West

        Address:     22   27 ___________ Road, Bristol

        Before:     23 ___________ July

Number of tickets per family:     24 ___________

Everybody will get a:     25 ___________

Answer & Audioscript

21 (The Elephant) Doctor   22 ARGYLL

23 (Saturday) (the) 30(th) / thirtieth (of) (July)

24 4/four (tickets) (per family)

25 (a) book (about the film)


Here is some good news! We have some free cinema tickets for you. They usually cost five pounds.

They are for a film called The Elephant Doctor. It’s about a man who works in a zoo and looks after the animals when they aren’t well. It’s a great film for all the family.

All you have to do to get your free tickets is send your name and address on a postcard to Radio South-West in Bristol. The address is twenty-seven Argyll Road – that’s A R G Y double L.

Send your postcard soon! Make sure it arrives before next Saturday, that’s the thirtieth of July. All the postcards will go into a bag and we will choose the twenty-five winners then.

We have one hundred tickets to give away, but I’m afraid we can only give four tickets to each family because lots of people will want them. And we will send everybody who writes to us a book. This is about the film and has pictures of the actors and the animals in it. So send us that postcard now!

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