Listening 1
Listen and colour and draw. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript
1 Colour the suitcase in the man’s hand – red
2 Draw and colour a star on the computer – blue
3 Write ‘DAY’ on the clock after ‘HAVE A GOOD’
4 Colour the magazine on the wall – pink
5 Colour the rucksack on the boy’s back – brown
GIRL: Are the people in this picture inside a restaurant or a hotel?
MAN: They’re in a hotel. They’re going to stay there.
GIRL: Oh … Shall I colour something here? Can I colour the lamp on the little table?
MAN: Yes, please. Make it yellow.
GIRL: What else can I colour?
MAN: Ermm … how about the suitcase – the one that the man’s carrying?
GIRL: OK. It looks heavy! Which colour shall I use?
MAN: I think red is a good colour for that.
GIRL: All right.
GIRL: Can I draw something in the picture now?
MAN: Yes. Draw a star on the computer.
GIRL: All right. I’ll draw a nice, big one.
MAN: Good, now colour it blue.
GIRL: OK. I’ll do that now.
GIRL: And can I write something too?
MAN: Yes. OK. Look at the clock. It’s got words on it, but one word is missing. ‘Have a good …’ Can you see that?
GIRL: Yes. What’s the missing word?
MAN: Day! Write that there for me, please.
GIRL: That’s easy!
MAN: Now some more colouring … Colour the magazine, please.
GIRL: The one in front of the woman?
MAN: Not that one. There’s another one … look … up there under all the postcards. Colour that one pink.
GIRL: All right.
GIRL: Can I colour the umbrella now?
MAN: No, we don’t need to colour that. Colour the rucksack on the boy’s back, please.
GIRL: OK. Shall I use my brown pencil for that?
MAN: Yes.
GIRL: Right. It’s finished, I think.
MAN: Great!
Listening 2
Listen and colour and draw. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript
1 Colour the umbrella in the corner – orange
2 Colour the toy castle on the floor – brown
3 Draw and colour a bird in the sky outside – green
4 Write ‘PAINT’ on the box
5 Colour the diary by the light – red
BOY: This artist’s picture looks good, but what is he drawing? Is it an octopus?
WOMAN: Yes. He draws lots of pictures of animals and different kinds of fish.
BOY: Well, can I colour it? Can I make it pink?
WOMAN: All right! Do that now!
BOY: What shall I colour next?
WOMAN: How about the umbrella? The one in the corner.
BOY: OK. Which pencil shall I use to colour it?
WOMAN: Have you got an orange one? Use that!
BOY: All right!
WOMAN: Now … can you see the castle?
BOY: Do you mean the one in the picture on the wall?
WOMAN: No, I mean the toy one on the floor. Colour that brown now, please.
BOY: OK. I’m doing that now. Who plays with it?
WOMAN: I don’t know.
BOY: I’d like to draw something too. Can I do that?
WOMAN: Yes, that’s a good idea. What would you like to draw?
BOY: Well, the window’s open. Can I draw a bird outside in the sky?
WOMAN: Yes, you can. And colour it green.
BOY: All right!
WOMAN: I’d like you to write something here too, please. Can you see the box on the bottom shelf?
BOY: Yes. Must I write on that?
WOMAN: Yes, please. Write ‘PAINT’ on that. He puts all his things in it at the end of each day.
BOY: So he’s a tidy artist!
WOMAN: Yes, he is!
WOMAN: And perhaps you could colour the artist’s diary now.
BOY: The one by the light?
WOMAN: That’s right. Colour it purple.
BOY: Can I colour it red, because I’ve got that pencil in my hand?
WOMAN: Of course you can. That’s fine. And well done! We’ve finished now.
BOY: Great! Thank you!
Listening 3
Listen and colour and draw. There is one example.

Answer & Audioscript
1 Colour the sweater of the boy pushing the car – blue
2 Colour the skate on the ground – green
3 Write ‘ROOM’ under ‘COMPUTER’ on the sign
4 Draw and colour the mouth on the face of the teacher with the scarf – pink
5 Colour the empty bin – purple
MAN: Would you like to colour this picture of a school playground?
GIRL: Yes, please. Can I colour one of the girls?
MAN: All right. Can you see the girl who’s hopping?
GIRL: Yes. She looks happy!
MAN: Well, colour her skirt brown.
MAN: Can you colour one of the boys, please?
GIRL: The one who’s pushing the little car?
MAN: Yes, OK. But only his sweater.
GIRL: Shall I do it blue? That’s a nice colour.
MAN: Yes, that’s fine.
MAN: Now, I’d like you to colour something else. There are two skates in the picture. Can you see them?
GIRL: Yes, shall I colour the one on the wall?
MAN: No, the other one. It’s on the ground. This time use green.
GIRL: OK. I’m colouring it now.
GIRL: What can I colour next?
MAN: Don’t colour anything. I’d like you to write a word.
GIRL: OK. What shall I write?
MAN: Can you see the word ‘COMPUTER’? It’s on the left of the picture. Under it please write the word ‘ROOM’.
GIRL: OK. I can do that.
MAN: Can you draw and colour something now, please?
GIRL: Yes, of course. I like drawing. What shall I draw?
MAN: Look at the teacher …
GIRL: Which one? The one who’s wearing a scarf?
MAN: Yes, that’s right. Draw a mouth on her face, and then colour it pink.
GIRL: What shall I colour now?
MAN: Well, there are two bins in the playground.
GIRL: Yes, can I colour the one that’s full?
MAN: No, colour the empty one. It’s easier. What colour do you want to use?
GIRL: Er, purple.
MAN: Well done. That looks excellent.
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